Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sintering)

Select Item Title Year Published
Activation and Reactivity of Novel Calcium-Based Sorbents for Dry SO2 Control in Boilers (Journal Article). 1989
Air pollution aspects of the iron and steel industry 1963
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from iron and steel mills / 1994
Alternative processes for treatment of sinter plant wastewater / 1985
Alternative processes for treatment of sinter plant wastewater / 1985
Application of the electroscrubber filter to ISCOR's alkali-controlled iron ore sintering plants / 1983
Calcination and Sintering Models for Application to High-Temperature, Short-Time Sulfation of Calcium-Based Sorbents. 1990
Calcination and sintering of sorbents during boiler injection for dry sulfur dioxide control. {microfiche} 1991
Calcium Oxide Sintering in Atmospheres Containing Water and Carbon Dioxide. 1989
Control of reclamation (sinter) plant emissions using electrostatic precipitators / 1976
Desulfurization of steel mill sinter plant gases / 1976
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines new source performance standards for the iron and steel manufacturing point source category. 1982
Disposal of Spent Sorbent from Dry FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Processes. 1983
Emission factors for iron and steel sources : criteria and toxic pollutants / 1990
Emissions test at an integrated iron and steel manufacturing plant : Indiana Harbor Works of LTV Steel Company, Inc., East Chicago, Indiana 1999
Enhancement of Reactivity in Surfactant-Modified Sorbents for Sulfur Dioxide Control. 1989
Evaluation of sampling techniques for atmospheric emissions from sintering in the iron and steel industry. 1981
Evaluation of sampling techniques for atmospheric emissions from sintering in the iron and steel industry. 1981
Evaluation of SO2 Emission Control Technology Applicable to the East Helena Lead Smelter. 1975
Feasibility Study of the Recovery of Sulfur and Iron from Coal Pyrites. 1966
Field Surveillance and Enforcement Guide for Primary Metallurgical Industries. 1973
FTIR and Method 25A emissions test at an integrated iron and steel manufacturing plant : Youngstown Sinter Company of WCI Steele, Inc., Youngstown, Ohio 1999
Fugitive emissions from integrated iron and steel plants / 1978
Integrated iron and steel industry final report : manual testing, volume II of III, Youngstown Sinter Company, Youngstown, Ohio. 1999
Integrated iron and steel industry final report : manual testing, Youngstown Sinter Company, Youngstwon, Ohio 1999
Laboratory Plan for Reference Spectrum Measurements. 1999
Level 1 assessment of uncontrolled sinter plant emissions / 1979
Method for Variation of Grain Size in Studies of Gas-Solid Reactions Involving CaO. 1986
Methylation of mercury in a terrestrial environment / 1975
Organic emissions from iron ore sintering plants : determination of causes and methods of abatement / 1983
Organic Emissions from Iron Ore Sintering Plants: Determination of Causes and Methods of Abatement. 1982
Pollution effects of abnormal operations in iron and steel making / 1978
Pollution Effects of Abnormal Operations in Iron and Steel Making. Volume II. Sintering, Manual of Practice. 1978
Pore Distribution Changes of Calcium-Based Sorbents Reacting with Sulfur Dioxide. 1987
Proceedings : First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology (Chicago, IL, 10/30-11/1/79) / 1980
Recovery of phosphates and metals from waste phosphate sludge by reduction-sinter processes 1971
Role of Porosity Loss in Limiting SO2 Capture by Calcium Based Sorbents. 1989
Sinter plant windbox gas recirculation system demonstration: phase 1. engineering and design / 1975
Sinter plant windbox recirculation and gravel bed filter demonstration: phase 2. construction, operation, and evaluation / 1979
Sintering and Sulfation of Calcium Silicate: Calcium Aluminate. 1990
Sintering of Nascent Calcium Oxide. 1989
Smelting Reduction of Non-Agglomerated Iron Ore Concentrates Using Low-Grade Coal as the Single Source of Energy (Inred Process). Compendium on Low- and Non-Waste Technology. 1981
Structural Changes in Surfactant-Modified Sorbents during Furnace Injection. 1989
Treatment of Gaseous Emissions from Steelplants Containing Small Concentrations of Hydrocarbon Vapors. 1983
Water Pollution Control in the Carbon and Alloy Steel Industries. 1976

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