Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Salt marshes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparative study of salt marshes of the Coos Bay Estuary / 1976
A comparison of the effect of application of crude petroleum to marsh plants and to oysters. 1950
Above- and Belowground Emergent Macrophyte Production and Turnover in a Coastal Marsh Ecosystem, Georgia. 1984
Adaptation of Aquatic Microbial Communities to Pollutant Stress. 1988
An investigation of potential environmental hazards at Tinicum National Environmental Center, Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, Pa. / 1986
Applicability of the Interceptor Waterway Concept to the Rookery Bay Area. 1973
Artificial Microbial Ecosystem for Determining Effects and Fate of Toxicants in a Salt-Marsh Environment. 1977
Biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in saltwater marshes of Lavaca Bay, Texas. 1975
Chesapeake Bay baseline data acquisition : submerged aquatic vegetation report. 1978
City of Hampton tidal marsh inventory / 1975
City of Newport News and Fort Eustis tidal marsh inventory / 1977
City of Virginia Beach marsh inventory / 1976
Comparison of in-vitro and in-situ degradation of 14C-Fenvalerate in tidal marsh sediment / 1984
Conceptual Ecosystem Model of the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. 1996
Contribution of Fungi to Biodegradation of 'Spartina' and Other Brackish Marshland Vegetation. 1972
Cretaceous Ponds, a Unique Area on Staten Island, New York. 1976
Degradation of Malathion by Salt-Marsh Microorganisms. 1976
Design of a laboratory microcosm for evaluating effects of dredged material disposal on marsh-estuarine ecosystems / 1978
Diel Flux of Dissolved Carbohydrate in a Salt Marsh and a Simulated Estuarine Ecosystem. 1982
Ecogeomorphology of tidal marshes 2004
Ecological studies on salt marsh ponds in southern Louisiana. [A final report on one phase of Project 9. 1953
Ecology and management of tidal marshes a model from the Gulf of Mexico / 1997
Ecology of a New England salt marsh / 1974
Effects of Adaptation on Biodegradation Rates in Sediment/Water Cores from Estuarine and Freshwater Environments. 1980
Effects of application of glyphosate on cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, and adjacent native salt marsh vegetation in Padilla Bay, Washington / 1993
Effects of Malathion on Microorganisms of an Artificial Salt-Marsh Environment. 1977
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : Gulf Coast Salt Marsh pilot study / 1992
Fairfax County tidal marsh inventory : including city of Alexandria and Arlington County / 1976
Fate and Toxicity of High Density Missile Fuels RJ-5 and JP-9 in Aquatic Test Systems. 1985
Field Confirmation of a Laboratory-Derived Hazard Assessment of the Acute Toxicity of Fenthion to Pink Shrimp, 'Penaeus duorarum'. 1985
Framework for the Assessment of the Wildlife Habitat Value of New England Salt Marshes. 2006
Freshwater linkages : effect of salinity changes on the distribution and survival of seagrasses and emergent marsh vegetation in the Gulf of Mexico : a literature review / 1995
Function of Marshes in Reducing Eutrophication of Estuaries of the Middle Atlantic Region. 1974
Geochemical interactions of heavy metals in southeastern salt marsh environments / 1976
Guidelines for the bioremediation of oil-contaminated salt marshes / 2004
Habitat development field investigations, Apalachicola Bay marsh development site, Apalachicola Bay, Florida : summary report / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Bolivar Peninsula marsh and upland habitat development site, Galveston Bay, Texas : appendix D : propagation of vascular plants and postpropagation monitoring of botanical soil, aquatic biota, and wildlife resources : final report / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Salt Pond No. 3, marsh development site, South San Francisco Bay, California : summary report / 1978
Human impacts on salt marshes : a global perspective / 2009
Invasive Species Management and Buffer Outreach on Goss Farm, Rye, NH. 2011
King George County tidal marsh inventory / 1975
Lancaster County tidal marsh inventory / 1973
Life and death of the salt marsh, 1969
Marsh Plants as Vectors in Trace Metal Transport in Oregon Tidal Marshes. 1979
Mathews County tidal marsh inventory / 1974
Metabolism of Fenthion by Aquatic Microbial Communities. 1986
Method for Marsh Restoration following an Oil Spill with Cover Letter dated 11-07-84. 1984
Microbial-malathion interaction in artificial salt-marsh ecosystems : effect and degradation / 1975
Movement and Impact of Pesticides Used for Vector Control on the Aquatic Environment in the Northeastern United States. 1972
Northumberland County tidal marsh inventory / 1975
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