Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 492
Showing: Items 451 - 492
Your Search: (SUBJECT=SMOKE)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Toxicological profile for benz[a]anthracene / 1990
Toxicological review of hexachloroethane (CAS No. 67-72-1) : in support of summary information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) / 2011
Toxicological Studies of Smoke Obscurants. 1984
Trace substances and tobacco smoke in interaction with nitrogen oxides : biological effects / 1976
Transport of pollutants in plumes and PEPES : a study of transport of pollutants in power plant plumes, urban and industrial plumes, and persistent elevated pollution episodes / 1985
Transport of pollutants in plumes and PEPES : a study of transport of pollutants in power plant plumes, urban and industrial plumes, and persistent elevated pollution episodes / 1985
Tribal leaders are key to reducing backyard burning. 2003
Ultramicro Forward-Mutation Assay and It's Application to the Survey of Indoor Air Pollution. 1988
Under What Circumstances Can Forest Belts Reduce the Concentration of Waste Gases (In welchem Fall Konnen Waldstreifen die Rauchgaskonzentration Vermindern). 1974
Use of the Spiral Salmonella Assay to Detect the Mutagenicity of Complex Environmental Mixtures. 1991
Using SAS (Trade Name) Color Graphics for Video Image Analysis. 1988
Variability in aircraft turbine engine emission measurements / 1974
Velocity Oscillations and Plume Dispersion in a Residential Neighborhood during Wintertime Nights. 1990
Video Image Analyses of the Cross-Stream Distribution of Smoke in the Near Wake of a Building. 1988
Video Image Analysis System for Concentration Measurements and Flow Visualization in Building Wakes. 1991
Video images of smoke dispersion in the near wake of a building, part 1. : temporal and spatial scales of vortex shedding / 1988
Visible emissions evaluation handbook : reading visible plumes : visible pollution problems, EPA method 9 requirements, smoke reading tips / 1993
Visible emissions field manual : EPA methods 9 and 22 / 1993
Visible emissions workshop reference material : visible emissions concepts and special problems / 1981
Volatile Organic Hydrocarbon and Aldehyde Composition in Raleigh, North Carolina during the 1985 Woodsmoke Study. 1987
Washington smoke management program. 1988
Washington wood smoke : emissions, impacts, and reduction strategies / 1986
When smoke ran like water : tales of environmental deception and the battle against pollution / 2002
Wildfire smoke : a guide for public health officials / 2001
Wildfire smoke and your patients' health. 2019
Wildfire Smoke. A Guide for Public Health Officials. 2001
Wildfire, field, and slash burning emission inventory. 0
Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of a Rectangular-Shaped Building on Dispersion of Effluents from Short Adjacent Stacks. 1982
Wind-Tunnel Simulations to Assess Dispersion Around the World Trade Center. 2003
Wood smoke and your health 2022
Wood smoke and your health / 2019
Wood smoke and your health / 2019
Wood Smoke Impacted Air: Mutagenicity and Chemical Analysis of Ambient Air from Residential Areas. 1988
Wood Smoke Impacted Air: Mutagenicity and Chemical Analysis of Ambient Air in a Residential Area of Juneau, Alaska (Journal Version). 1988
Wood Smoke: Measurement of the Mutagenic Activities of Its Gas- and Particulate-Phase Photooxidation Products. 1986
Workbook for operators of small boilers and incinerators : a self-instructional text on the proper operation and maintenance of small oil fired boilers and flue fed incinerators based on New York City criteria. 1976
Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates / 1969
Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates / 1973
Workshop on atmospheric dispersion models in complex terrain / 1979
WYNDvalley : an air-quality model for near-stagnant flows in constricted terrain / 1987
Zur Horizontal- und Vertikalausbreitung von Rauchfahnen durch Turbulente Diffusion / 1964
Zur Schornstein-Überhöhung : Messungen an Rauchfahnen zur Überprüfung von Überhöhungs-Formeln / 1962
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