Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Protozoal diseases)

Select Item Title Year Published
Experimental Infection of Mongrel Dogs with 'Giardia lamblia' Cysts and Cultured Trophozoites. 1981
Goussia girellae N. Sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriorina) in the Opaleye, 'Girella nigricans' (Journal Version). 1988
Health Aspects of Surface Water Supplies. 1987
Interim Protocol for Testing the Effects of Microbial Pathogens on Litter Microarthropods. 1989
Observations on the State of Marine Disease Studies (Chapter 18). 1993
Occurrence and Significance of Cryptosporidium in Water. 1988
Pathogenic Naegleria : distribution in nature / 1979
Study of Pathogenic Free-Living Amebas in Fresh-Water Lakes in Virginia. 1980
Ticks of public health importance and their control / 1962
Waterborne transmission of giardiasis : proceedings of a symposium September 18-20, 1978 / 1979

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