Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Protozoa)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Giardia muris': Ultrastructural Analysis of 'In vitro' Excystation. 1986
'Giardia' Methods Workshop. 1985
'Giardia' Prevalence in Commercially Trapped Mammals. 1980
A key to the marine dinoflagellate genera of the west coast of Florida / 1966
Ammonia Effects on Microinvertebrates and Fish in Outdoor Experimental Streams. 1987
Antiparasitic Activity of Blue-Green Algae Extract. 1966
Artificial Microbial Ecosystem for Determining Effects and Fate of Toxicants in a Salt-Marsh Environment. 1977
Bioassay Protocol for Lethal and Sub-Lethal Effects of Fungal Pathogens on 'Chrysoperla carnea' (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). 1991
Biochemistry and physiology of protozoa 1979
Biochemistry and physiology of protozoa. 1951
Biological models of freshwater communities / 1973
Biological Models of Freshwater Communities. 1973
Biological Problems in Water Pollution, Third Seminar, August 31-17, 1962 1965
Biological Problems in Water Pollution. 1957
Comparison of 'Giardia microti' and 'Spironucleus muris' Cysts in the Vole: An Immunocytochemical, Light, and Electron Microscopic Study (Journal Version). 1988
Contaminants associated with direct and indirect reuse of municipal wastewater / 1978
Correlation and foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous) Long Island, New York, 1965
Cross Transmission of 'Giardia'. 1982
Culture collection of Algae and Protozoa: list of strains. 1966
Detection of Giardia Cysts in Drinking Water: State-of-the-Art. 1981
Determination of Giardia cyst viability / 1979
Determination of the Use of Solid Particle Samplers for 'Giardia' Cysts in Natural Waters. 1983
Development of a Selective Algaecide to Control Nuisance Algal Growth. 1973
Dinoflagellates 1970
Diseases, Parasites, and Toxic Responses of Commercial Penaeid Shrimps of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Coasts of North America. 1977
Distribution and systematics of Foraminifera in the Indian River, Florida 1982
Distribution of Protozoa in Subsurface Sediments of a Pristine Groundwater Study Site in Oklahoma (Journal Version). 1987
Distribution of recent benthic foraminifera in the Caribbean region / 1982
Distribution of recent benthic Foraminifera in the Gulf of Mexico 1981
Distribution of recent benthic foraminifera off the North American Pacific coast from Oregon to Alaska 1985
Drinking Water and Health. Part I, Chapters 1-5. A Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee. 1977
Drinking Water Criteria Document for Cryptosporidium. 1993
Ecosystematic Study of the South River, Virginia. 1972
Effect of Protozoan Predation on Relative Abundance of Fast- and Slow-Growing Bacteria. 1989
Effects of Aniline and Three Derivatives on Laboratory Microecosystems. 1987
Effects of Heated Waste Waters on Some Microorganisms. 1972
Effects of Heated Waste Waters Upon Microbial Communities. 1971
Effects of Microbial Pesticides on Non-Target Beneficial Arthropods. 1986
Effects of protozoa on the fate of particulate carbon / 1973
Effects of Protozoa on the Fate of Particulate Carbon. 1973
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa / 1963
Environmental requirements of selected estuarine ciliated protozoa / 1975
EPA Regulation of Biological Pesticides 1978
Explanation for the Decline of Bacteria Introduced into Lake Water. 1990
Factors Promoting 'In vitro' Excystation of 'Giardia muris' Cysts. 1984
Form, morphogenesis, and host-ciliate relationship of Lagenophrys callinectes (Ciliateca: Peritrichida) 1972
Freshwater Sediment Toxicity Bioassessment: Rationale for Species Selection and Test Design. 1989
Functional biology of free-living protozoa 1984
Giardia lamblia: Stimulation of Growth by Human Intestinal Mucus and Epithelial Cells in Serumfree Medium (Journal Version). 1987
Giardiasis in Washington State 1982
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