Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Technical Progress on Protecting the Ozone Layer: Electronics, Degreasing and Dry Cleaning Solvents Technical Options Report. 1989
Technical support manual : waterbody surveys and assessments for conducting use attainability analyses. 1983
Technical Support Manual: Waterbody Surveys and Assessments for Conducting Use Attainability Analyses. Volume 2: Estuarine Systems. 1992
Technical support of standards for high-level radioactive waste management / 1979
Technical Support of Standards for High-Level Radioactive Waste Management. Volume C. Migration Pathways. 1979
Technical Support of Standards for High-Level Radioactive Waste Management. Volume D. Release Mechanisms. 1980
Technical-Economic Study of Sewage Sludge Disposal on Dedicated Land. 1984
Techniques for measuring fly ash resistivity / 1974
Techniques to Improve the Environmental Safety of OB and OD Operations. 1996
Technology assessment of wetlands for municipal wastewater treatment / 1984
Technology Evaluation Report: International Waste Technologies/Geo-Con In situ Stabilization/Solidification. Volume 3. Update Report. 1990
Technology preselection data requirements. 1992
Temperature control in outdoor experimental ponds / 1970
Temperature Dependence of Mass Accommodation of SO2 and H2O2 on Aqueous Surfaces. 1989
Temperature effects of crude oil in the upper intertidal zone / 1976
Temperature interaction : prepared as part of EPA Region 10 Temperature Water Quality Criteria Guidance Development Project / 2001
Terbacil - Registration Standard. 1982
Terbutryn : decision document. 1981
Test of a Theoretical Commuter Exposure Model to Vehicle Exhaust in Traffic. 1986
Testing and Evaluation of TOX-SCREEN Model. 1985
Tests of the industrial source complex (ISC) dispersion model at the Armco, Middletown, Ohio Steel Mill / 1982
Textile dyes and dyeing equipment : classification, properties and environmental aspects / 1985
The 2002 Chesapeake Bay eutrophication model / 2004
The acidic deposition phenomenon and its effects : critical assessment document / 1985
The acidic deposition phenomenon and its effects : critical assessment review papers / 1984
The appearance and visibility of thin oil films on water / 1972
The degradation of selected pesticides in soil : a review of the published literature / 1977
The deliquescent properties of aerosols / 1974
The design of laboratory systems for controlling the activity of moderately volatile organic compounds / 1987
The development of mathematical models for the prediction of anthropogenic visibility impairment / 1978
The Drinking water criteria document on nitrate/nitrite / 1990
The Ecological impact of land restoration and cleanup. 1978
The ENAMAP-2 air pollution model for long-range transport of sulfur and nitrogen compounds / 1983
The environmental fate of selected polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons / 1976
The Fate and effects of crude oil spilled on subarctic permafrost terrain in interior Alaska / 1980
The fate of chromium (III) in chlorinated water / 1987
The feasibility of mitigating kepone contamination in the James River Basin : appendix A to the EPA Kepone Mitigation Project report / 1978
The General Motors/Environmental Protection Agency sulfate dispersion experiment : selected EPA research papers / 1976
The health and environmental impacts of lead and an assessment of a need for limitations / 1979
The Impact of declaring soybean oil exempt from VOC regulations on the coatings program / 1991
The Influence of sorbent physical properties upon reactivity with sulfur dioxide / 1987
The kinetics of chemical and microbiological contaminants in distribution systems / 1991
The magnesia scrubbing process as applied to an oil-fired power plant / 1975
The manufacture and use of selected alkyltin compounds, task II / 1976
The manufacture and use of selected aryl and alkyl aryl phosphate esters. 1976
The meaningful use of the Secchi disc / 1968
The method of fractional steps : the solution of problems of mathematical physics in several variables / 1971
The NBS tables of chemical thermodynamic properties : selected values for inorganic and C1 and C2 organic substances in SI units / 1982
The performance of chlorine-free binary zeotropic refrigerant mixtures in a heat pump / 1991
The quiet indoor revolution / 1992
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