Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 301 - 350
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Precipitation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Canadian climate normals, 1951-1980. Normales climatiques au Canada, 1951-1980. Temperature and precipitation = 1982
Capital and Operating Costs of Wet Scrubbers (Journal Version). 1988
Capsule report : aqueous mercury treatment / 1997
Centralized Treatment of Metal Finishing Wastes. Appendices. 1980
Changes in base cation concentrations due to freshwater acidification / 1982
Characteristics of lakes in the eastern United States : a contribution to the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program. 1986
Characterization and treatment of wastes from metal-finishing operations 1990
Characterization of acidic precipitation in the Adirondack region : first semiannual report / 1978
Characterization of Boliden's Sulfide - Lime Precipitation Plant. 1981
Characterization of Boliden's sulfide-lime precipitation plant / 1982
Characterizing the Distribution of Observed Precipitation and Runoff over the Continental United States. 1992
Charge measurements of particles exiting electrostatic precipitators / 1980
Charged droplet scrubbing of submicron particulate : by J.R. Melcher and K.S. Sachar. 1974
Charged droplet technology for removal of particulates from industrial gases / 1971
Chemical and Bacteriological Quality of Pasture Runoff. 1982
Chemical and biological characterization of leachates from coal solid wastes / 1980
Chemical and microbiological investigations of a surface coal mine settling pond / 1979
Chemical Characteristics of Organic Color in Water. 1970
Chemical Characteristics of Precipitation in the Champlain Valley. 1971
Chemical characteristics of streams in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States : (results of the National Stream Survey : phase 1). 1988
Chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation in the Northeastern United States / 1971
Chemical composition of bulk precipitation in the north-central and northeastern United States, December 1980 through February 1981 / 1982
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective. Task II Removal of boron from wastewater / 1976
Chemical Treatment of Plating Waste for Removal of Heavy Metals. 1973
Chemical/biological relationships relevant to ecological effects of acid rainfall / 1975
Chemistry of atmospheric precipitation in North Dakota. 1981
Chemistry of particles, fogs, and rain / 1984
Chemistry of precipitation from sequentially sampled storms / 1980
Chemistry of United States precipitation final report on the National Precipitation Sampling Network / 1968
Chesapeake Bay Atmospheric Deposition Study Final Report. 1996
Chesapeake Bay Atmospheric Deposition Study Phase 1: July 1990-June 1991 Appendices. 1994
Chesapeake Bay Atmospheric Deposition Study Phase 1: July 1990-June 1991. 1992
Chesapeake Bay Atmospheric Deposition Study Phase 2: July 1990-December 1991 Appendices. 1994
Chesapeake Bay Atmospheric Deposition Study Phase 2: July 1990-December 1991. Final Report. 1994
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Application and Calculation of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings. Appendix D: Phase 4. Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model. Precipitation and Meteorological Data Development and Atmospheric Nutrient Deposition. 1997
Chloride (Cl) in precipitation : a presentation from the European Air Chemistry Network 1982
Chlorination of aquatic humic substances / 1981
Chromium Biotreatment in Soil, Chapter 6. 1997
Chronology, Magnitude and Paleolimnological Record of Changing Metal Fluxes Related to Atmospheric Deposition of Acids and Metals in New England. 1983
Classifying Soils for Acidic Deposition Aquatic Effects: A Scheme for the Northeast USA. 1989
Climate change 1995 : the science of climate change / 1996
Climate Change and Alabama. 1998
Climate change and Alaska. 1998
Climate change and Arizona. 1998
Climate Change and Arkansas. 1998
Climate change and California. 1997
Climate change and cold water fish : is trout fishing an endangered sport? / 1999
Climate Change and Colorado. 1999
Climate change and Connecticut. 1997
Climate change and Delaware. 1997
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