Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 301 - 350
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Power generation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Solar electric applications and Directory of the U.S. Photovoltaic industry. 1991
Solar electric house : energy for the environmentally-responsive, energy-independent home / 1993
Solid Waste as Fuel for Power Plants. 1973
Some Questions on the Formation of Corrosive Sulfur and Vanadium Compounds Contained in Fuel Oils During Burning in Gas Turbine Power Plant Combustion Chambers (Nekotore Voprosy Obrazovaniya Korrozionnoagressivnykh Coedinenii Sery i Vanadiya, Soderzhaschikhsya v Neftyanykh Toplivakh, pri Gorenii v Kamerakh Sgoraniya GTU). 1972
St. Louis refuse processing plant : equipment, facility, and environmental evaluations / 1975
Standards support and environmental impact statement. 1976
Statewide inventory of air pollutant emissions : state of Kansas : 1970 (revised) / 1971
Statewide Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions, State of Kansas 1970. 1971
Status of Commercial Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Technology. 1985
Steam Electric Detailed Study: Summary Paper for the Preliminary 2008 Effluent Guidelines Plan. 2007
Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category: 2007/2008 Detailed Study Report. 2008
Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category: Final Detailed Study Report. 2009
Steam-Electric Plant Operation and Design Report (EIA-767) Extract Data Tape, (1985-1987). 1987
Studies in the Analysis of Metropolitan Water Resource Systems. Volume VI. Estimating Economies of Scale in Thermal Electric Power Systems Subjected to Environmental Quality Constraints. 1973
Study of an integrated power, water and wastewater utility complex / 1974
Study of the Characterization and Control of Air Pollutants from a Fluidized-Bed Boiler-the SO2 Acceptor Process. 1972
Study of the future supply of low sulfur oil for electrical utilities. 1972
Study of the future supply of natural gas for electrical utilities. 1972
Summary of particulate and sulfur oxide emission reductions achieved nationwide for selected industrial source categories, 1970-1975. 1976
Summary of regulatory analysis for new source performance standards : industrial-commercial-institutional steam generating units of greater than 100 million btu/hr heat input. 1986
Supplement B to Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume 1. Stationary Point and Area Sources. 1996
Supplement for pretreatment to the development document for the steam electric power generation point source category. 1977
Survey and Economic Analysis of Alternate Methods for Cooling Condenser Discharge Water in Thermal Power Plants. Task I Report. Survey of Large-Scale Heat Rejection Equipment. 1969
Survey of new industrial boiler projects, 1981-1984 / 1987
Survey of nuclear power supply prospects. 1972
Switching to solar : what we can learn from Germany's success in harnessing clean energy / 2010
Symposium on Energy and Human Health : human costs of electric power generation / 1979
Symposium on Energy and Human Health: Human Costs of Electric Power Generation. 1979
Symposium on Environment and Energy Conservation, November 1975, Denver, Colorado / 1976
Tampa Electric Company, Big Bend Unit 4. 1981
Tampa Electric Company, Big Bend Unit 4. Technical Reference Document. Volume 1. 1981
Tampa Electric Company, Big Bend Unit 4. Technical Reference Document. Volume 2. 1981
Technical and Nontechnical Issues Regarding Landfill Gas to Energy: What Is Their Impact on the U.S. Landfill Gas Industry. 1995
Technical development document for the proposed section 316(b) phase II existing facilities rule. 2002
Technical Support Document for the Clear Skies Act 2003 Air Quality Modeling Analyses. 2003
Technical support document for the prevention of significant deterioration and nonattainment area new source review : emissions increase test for electric generating units. 2007
Techniques for Measuring Public Evaluation of Recreational vs. Hydroelectric Water Use. 1971
Technoeconomic appraisal of integrated gasification combined-cycle power generation / 1990
Technological and Economic Feasibility of Advanced Power Cycles and Methods of Producing Nonpolluting Fuels for Utility Power Stations. 1970
Technological problems of burning low-sulfur western coal / 1975
Test evaluation of Cat-Ox high efficiency electrostatic precipitator / 1975
The future of photovoltaics manufacturing in the United States : summary of two symposia / 2011
The Ohio River Basin energy facility siting model : methodology / 1980
The Western wind and solar integration study phase 2 : executive summary / 2013
Thermionic Topping Converter for a Coal-Fired Power Plant. 1970
Thermophotovoltaic conversion from conventional heat sources : final report 1979
Tire Recycling and Reuse Incentives. 1974
Transferable Discharge Permits for Control of SO2 Emissions from Illinois Power Plants (Journal Version). 1988
Trimble County Generating Station, Louisville Gas and Electric Co., Kentucky. 1978
Trimble County Generating Station, Louisville Gas and Electric Co., Kentucky. Supporting Report. Volume I. 1978
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