Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 2001 - 2050
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Response to Comments Document: Land Disposal Restrictions, Phase 4 Final Rule Promulgating Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes; Mineral Processing Secondary Materials and Bevill Exclusion Issues; Treatment Standards for Hazardous Soils; and Exclusion of Recycled Wood Preserving Wastewaters. Volume 14. Comments Related to Second Supplemental Proposed Rule (May 12, 1997): Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes and Mineral Processing Wastes, Mineral Processing and Bevill Exclusion Issues, and Use of Hazardous Waste as Fill. 1998
Response to Comments Document: Land Disposal Restrictions, Phase 4 Final Rule Promulgating Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes; Mineral Processing Secondary Materials and Bevill Exclusion Issues; Treatment Standards for Hazardous Soils; and Exclusion of Recycled Wood Reserving Wastewaters. Volume 11. Comments Related to Newly-Identified Mineral Processing Waste Treatment Standards, Grab versus Composite Sampling, Radioactive Mixed TC-Metal Wastes, and Sulfide Waste Issues. 1998
Response to Comments Document: Land Disposal Restrictions, Phase 4. Final Rule Promulgating Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes and Mineral Processing Wastes; Mineral Processing Secondary Materials and Bevill Exclusion Issues, Treatment Standards for Hazardous Soils, and Exclusion of Recycled Wood Preserving Wastewaters. Volume 12. Comments Related to Capcity Analysis for Newly-Identified Toxicity Characteristic Metal Wastes and Mineral Processing Wastes. 1998
Response to Comments Document: Land Disposal Restrictions, Phase IV Final Rule Promulgating Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes; Mineral Processing Secondary Materials and Bevill Exclusion Issues, Treatment Standards for Hazardous Soils, and Exclusion of Recycled Wood Preserving Wastewaters. Volume 3. Comments Related to First Supplemental Proposed Rule (January 25, 1996). 1998
Response to Comments Document: Land Disposal Restrictions, Phase IV Final Rule Promulgating Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes; Mineral Processing Secondary Materials and Bevill Exclusion Issues; Treatment Standards for Hazardous Soils, and Exclusion of Recycled Wood Preserving Wastewaters. Volume 5. Comments Related to Second Notice of Data Availability (March 5, 1997). 1998
Response to Comments Document: Land Disposal Restrictions, Phase IV. Final Rule Promulgating Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes and Mineral Processing Wastes; Mineral Processing Secondary Materials and Bevill Exclusion Issues, Treatment Standards for Hazardous Soils, and Exclusion of Recycled Wood Preserving Wastewaters. Volume 9. Comments Related to Regulatory Impact Analysis for Newly-Identified Mineral Processing Waste Issues Raised in Second Supplemental Proposed Rule (May 12, 1997). 1998
Response to Request to Provide Assistance in Establishing Emergency Criteria Applicable to Elevated Indoor Radon Concentrations. Structures Built on the Reading Prong. 1985
Restructuring manual. 1991
Review of EPA regulations and guidance related to VOC emissions / 2002
Review of health effects basis for SOC and IOC standards 1993
Review of national ambient air quality standards for ozone : assessment of scientific and technical information. 1996
Review of new source performance standards for ammonium sulfate manufacture / 1985
Review of new source performance standards for asphalt processing and asphalt roofing manufacture / 1988
Review of new source performance standards for grain elevators / 1984
Review of new source performance standards for kraft pulp mills / 1983
Review of new source performance standards for nitric acid plants / 1984
Review of new source performance standards for petroleum refinery claus sulfur recovery plants : preliminary draft / 1983
Review of new source performance standards for petroleum refinery claus sulfur recovery plants. 1983
Review of new source performance standards for petroleum refinery fuel gas / 1986
Review of new source performance standards for primary aluminum reduction plants / 1986
Review of new source performance standards for secondary brass and bronze plants : preliminary draft / 1983
Review of new source performance standards for sulfuric acid plants / 1985
Review of Past Studies Addressing the Potential Impact of CO, HC, and NOx Emissions from Commercial Aircraft on Air Quality. 1978
Review of progress on improving EPA's compliance monitoring and enforcement information system : prepared for the Office of Information Resources Management / 1987
Review of the Agency's diesel health assessment document EPA-SAB-CASAC-99-001 / 1998
Review of the Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants. 1986
Review of the Barium Health Criteria Document. 1988
Review of the Draft Drinking Water Criteria Document for Xylenes. 1988
Review of the Final Air Criteria Document for Lead. 1986
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for lead : assessment of scientific and technical information : OAQPS staff report. 1990
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for lead : exposure analysis methodology and validation : OAQPS staff report. 1989
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for lead : risk and exposure assessment planning document. 2011
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for nitrogen oxides : assessment of scientific and technical information : OAQPS staff paper. 1982
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone : assessment of scientific and technical information : OAQPS staff report. 1989
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone : policy assessment of scientific and technical information : OAQPS staff paper - first draft. 2005
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone : policy assessment of scientific and technical information, OAQPS staff paper. 2007
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for particulate matter : assessment of scientific and technical information : OAQPS staff paper. 1982
Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for sulfur oxides : assessment of scientific and technical information ; supplement to the 1986 OAQPS staff paper addendum. 1994
Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for sulfur oxides : assessment of scientific and technical information. 1982
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for sulfur oxides : updated assessment of scientific and technical information : addendum to the 1982 OAQPS staff paper. 1986
Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Oxides: Updated Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information Addendum to the 1982 OAQPS (Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards) Staff Paper. 1986
Review of the primary national ambient air quality standard for sulfur oxides : risk and exposure assessment planning document. 2017
Review of the secondary standards for ecological effects of oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, and particulate matter: risk and exposure assessment planning document. 2018
Review of the waste incineration research program. 1996
Revised MARPOL Annex VI : regulations for the prevention of air pollution from ships and NOx technical code 2008 / 2009
Revised prioritized list of source categories for NSPS promulgation / 1979
Revisions to method 3, Appendix A of 40 CFR part 60, summary of comments and responses. 1983
Revisions to methods 4 and 5, appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 : summary of comments and responses. 1983
Risk and exposure assessment for the review of the primary national ambient air quality standard for sulfur oxides, external review draft. 2017
Risk and exposure assessment for the review of the primary national ambient air quality standard for sulfur oxides. 2018
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