Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Oil field brines)

Select Item Title Year Published
An assessment of produced water impacts in the Galveston Bay System. 1993
Analyses of brines from oil-productive formations in south Arkansas and north Louisiana 1963
Analysis of point source discharges (including oil field brine discharges) in the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program study area. 1998
API recommended practice for analysis of oil-field waters official publication / 1968
Apparatus and procedure for determining oil droplet size distribution 1981
Apparatus and procedure for determining oil droplet size distribution / 1982
Assessment of produced water impacts to low-energy, brackish water systems in southeast Louisiana 1990
Brine disposal treatment practices relating to the oil production industry / 1974
Characterization of organic constituent patterns at a produced water discharge site/barium relations to bioeffects of produced water : final technical summary, final technical report / 1997
Determination of best practical control technology currently available to remove oil from water produced with oil and gas. 1974
Development of a methodology for regional evaluation of confining bed integrity / 1989
Enforcement of regulations governing ground water contamination from underground injection or disposal of salt water in Kansas and Texas 1985
Enforcement of regulations governing ground water contamination from underground injection or disposal of salt water in Kansas and Texas / 1985
Evaluation of airborne geophysical methods to map brine contamination : Brookhaven oil field, Lincoln County, Mississippi / 1988
Evaluation of brine disposal from the Bryan Mound site of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program : final report of twelve-month postdisposal studies / 1981
Evaluation of salt water disposal into potential ground-water resources / 1972
Evaluation of salt water disposal into potential ground-water resources / 1972
Fate and effects of nearshore discharges of OCS produced waters. 1991
Flowback and produced waters : opportunities and challenges for innovation : proceedings of a workshop / 2017
Geochemistry of oilfield waters / 1975
Identification of bioactive compounds from produced water discharge/characterization of organic constituent patterns at a produced water discharge site : final technical summary, final technical report / 1997
Investigation of ground-water contamination in the Vealmoor oil field, Howard and Borden Counties, Texas, 1965
Investigation of ground-water contamination P.H.D., Hackberry, and Storie oil fields, Garza County, Texas 1964
Methods for collection and analysis of geopressured geothermal and oil field waters / 1982
Oil content in produced brine on ten Louisiana production platforms 1981
Oil content in produced brine on ten Louisiana production platforms / 1981
Oil field waste disposal, Raisin City oil field, Fresno County. [Report] 1955
Oilfield water systems 1974
Petroleum engineer's guide to oil field chemicals and fluids / 2011
Proceedings of a {sic} International Symposium on Subsurface Injection of Oilfield Brines 1987
Produced water : environmental risks and advances in mitigation technologies / 2011
Produced water radionuclide hazard/risk assessment : phase I / 1991
Produced water radionuclide hazard/risk assessment, phase 1 / 1991
Produced water treatment primer : case studies of treatment applications / 2014
Produced waters in sensitive coastal habitats : central coastal Gulf of Mexico / 1989
Produced waters workshop : April 4-5, 2006, Fort Collins, Colorado : [proceedings] / 2006
Reconnaissance survey of salt water disposal in the Mexia, Negro Creek, and Cedar Creek oil fields, Limestone County, Texas. 1962
Saline contamination of soil and water on Pawnee tribal trust land, eastern Payne County, Oklahoma 2001
Saline groundwaters produced with oil and gas / 1974
Salt water disposal, East Texas oil field. 1958
The occurrence of brine in western Pennsylvania / 1962
Water problems in oil production : an operator's manual / 1977
Water problems in oil production; an operator's manual 1970
Water production from oil wells of the Uinta basin, Uontah and Duchesne Counties, Utah, 1962
West Hackberry brine disposal project pre-discharge characterization : final report / 1982

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