Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Neighborhoods)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bay Area burden : examining the costs and impacts of housing and transportation on Bay Area residents, their neighborhoods and the environment / 2009
Costs of Sprawl: Literature Review and Bibliography. 1974
Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in Your Community. 2003
DEARS (Detroit Exposure and Aerosol Research Study) Data Analysis Workshops: Summary of Findings and Discussions. 2011
Economic criteria for relocation / 1989
Environmental Statistics, 1978. 1979
From urban village to east village : the battle for New York's Lower East Side / 1994
Growing Smarter, Living Healthier. A Guide to Smart Growth and Active Aging. Aging Initiative. Protecting the Health of Older Americans. 2009
Method for assessing automobile noise {Microfiche} 1982
Method for Assessing the Effectiveness of Property Line Noise Control Programs. 1980
Mothballed Brownfields: Successful Approaches to Revitalization. 2007
National award for smart growth achievement, 2002. 2002
National Award for Smart Growth Achievement, 2005. 2005
National City, California: Recommendations for Ranking Properties with Nonconforming Uses in the Westside Specific Plan Area. Partnership for Sustainable Communities. 2011
Our struggles : historic African American communities in southeast Baltimore County, MD : Chase, Bengies, Overlea, Back River Neck Road, Goodwood/Hyde Park, Hopewell Avenue, Norris Lane, and Edgemere : also Bare Hills, Belltown and Campfield / 2007
Partnership for Sustainable Communities. EPA Brownfield Pilot. National City, California. Recommendations for the Sustainable Remediation Process, Open Space, and Habitat Restoration. 2011
Quantifying the Effect of Local Government Actions on VMT. 2014
Residential Construction Trends in America's Metropolitan Regions. 2009
Sampling and analysis plan quality assurance project plan Washington State urban background soil concentration study / 2011
Smart Growth for Sustainable Design and Development. 2009
Study to Determine Residential Soiling Costs of Particulate Air Pollution. 1970
Superbia! : 31 ways to create sustainable neighborhoods / 2003
Sustainable urbanism : urban design with nature / 2008
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store / 2023
Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 8: Pollution Source Control Practices. Version 2.0. 2005

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