Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Morphometry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Compendium of Lake and Reservoir Data Collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in the Central United States. 1978
Genera Acanthosphaera through Cystodinium collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Dactylococcopsis through Gyrosigma collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Hantzschia through Pteromonas collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Quadrigula through Zygnema collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Improved Technique for Estimating Mean Depths of Lakes. 1983
Lake Water Quality Assessment Program, 1992. Northeastern Illinois Lakes. 1993
Measurement of Boundaries Using a Digitizer Tablet. 1990
Morphometric Aspects of Ciliary Distribution and Ciliogenesis in Human Nasal Epithelium. 1981
Phytoplankton water quality relationships in U.S. lakes / 1979
State of Utah Clean Lakes Program Diagnostic Feasibility Study Pelican Lake 1999
Three Case Studies of Lake Temperature and Stratification Response to Warmer Climate. 1991
Turtle Mountain Lake Water Quality Assessment, July, 1991 thru June,1992 1993

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