Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Metals Recycling)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biohydrometallurgical Recycling of Metals from Industrial Wastes / 2017
Bureau of Mines research and accomplishments in utilization of solid wastes, 1970
Central recovery facility feasibility study : executive summary 1982
Central recovery facility feasibility study : technical report 1982
Central recovery facility feasibility study market study, financial & economic reports / 1982
Chemical treatment and ultrafiltration / 1992
Citations from the selected water resources abstracts database : metals recovery from wastes (1977-1985). 1986
Constructed wetlands treatment for toxic metal contaminated waters / 1992
Dismantling a typical junk automobile to produce quality scrap / 1969
Disposal of heavy metal waste sludges in ceramic products 1990
Emerging technology report : Reclamation of lead from Superfund waste material using secondary lead smelters / 1995
Energy use patterns for metal recycling / 1978
Environmental impacts of virgin and recycled steel and aluminum. 1976
Enzyme-activated cellulose technology / 1992
Experimental nickel-cobalt recovery from melt-refined superalloy scrap anodes 1986
Feasibility of a central recovery facility for the metal finishing industry in Cook County 1986
Flame Reactor / 1991
Immobilisation of ions by bio-sorption 1986
Increasing the leaching rate of bulk superalloy scrap by melting with aluminum 1983
Industrial wastes : an unexplored source of valuable minerals : report to the Congress / 1980
Managing and minimizing hazardous waste metal sludges : North Carolina case studies, services, and regulations, December 1984 / 1985
Memorandum Subject: Release of the Fluff Pilot Study / 1991
Metal recovery/removal using non-electrolytic metal recovery / 1990
Metal recovery/removal using non-electrolytic metal recovery / 1990
Metal removal/recovery using non-electrolytic metal recovery 1988
Mobile on-site recycling of metalworking fluids / 1993
Potential recycling of scrap metal from nuclear facilities. technical support document / Part I, Radiological assessment of exposed individuals : 2001
Recovery of copper and associated precious metals from electronic scrap 1981
Recycling of metals and materials: a selected bibliography. 1972
Report to Congress on metal recovery, environmental regulation & hazardous waste : executive summary. 1994
Report to Congress on metal recovery, environmental regulation & hazardous waste. 1994
Secondary pig iron from shredded auto scrap 1973
Shredder residue : environmental information and characterization under RCRA / 1992
Specifications for materials recovered from municipal refuse / 1975
Study of Solid Waste Management Alternatives for the City of Murray, Kentucky. 1979
Technical options for conservation of metals : case studies of selected metals and products. 1979

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