Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lime)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A review of the literature on the use of lime (Ca(OH)2, Ca0,CaCO3) in fisheries / 1974
A Theoretical and experimental study of the lime/limestone wet-scrubbing process / 1975
Absorption of SO2 into lime slurries : absorption rates and kinetics / 1973
Absorption of sulfur dioxide in spray column and turbulent contacting absorbers / 1975
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 2. Technical Assessment. Project Summary. 1983
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers: Volume 1. Field Test Results Project Summary. 1983
Adipic acid-enhanced lime/limestone test results at the EPA alkali scrubbing test facility : capsule report. 1982
An alternative septage treatment method : lime stabilization/sand-bed dewatering / 1975
Anaerobic digestion of lime sewage sludge 1976
Analysis of lime in drinking water 1983
Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 4, Construction. 2006
Annual Report(FY 1969) Webster Test Facility and Electrodialysis Test-Bed Plant Webster, South Dakota 1970
Arsenic removal from drinking water by coagulation/filtration and lime softening plants / 2000
Arsenic removal from drinking water by coagulation/filtration and lime softening plants / 2000
Artesian System in Georgia: Stratigraphy and Hydrology of the Ocala. 1971
Assessment of fugitive particulate emission factors for industrial processes / 1978
AWWA standard for quicklime and hydrated lime. 1994
Bahco flue gas desulfurization and particulate removal system / 1979
Bahco flue gas desulfurization and particulate removal system : capsule report. 1979
Beneficial reuse of lime softening residuals for flue gas desulfurization 1997
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing : sulfite oxidation with enhanced oxygen absorption catalyzed by transition metals / 1984
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing synthesis, mass transfer, and degradation / 1984
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing synthesis, mass transfer, and degradation {MICROFICHE} 1984
Calcium oxide and hydroxide. 1984
Characterization of Boliden's Sulfide - Lime Precipitation Plant. 1981
Characterization of carbide lime to identify sulfite oxidation inhibitors / 1978
Chemical Composition and Effectiveness of Oil Shale Ash and Cement Kiln Flue Dust as Liming Fertilizers (Khimicheskii Sostav i Effektivnost Slantsevoi Zoly i Klinkernoi Pyli kak Izvestkovykh Udobrenii). 1970
Chemical lime facts. 1981
Chemical recovery combustion sources at kraft and soda pulp mills / 1996
Chemistry and technology of lime and limestone 1980
Chemistry and technology of lime and limestone. 1966
Coal Utility Environmental Cost (CUECost) (Raw Data File on Diskette). 1999
Color removal and sludge disposal process for kraft mill effluents / 1974
Color removal from kraft pulp mill effluents by massive lime treatment / 1973
Color removal from kraft pulping effluent by lime addition / 1971
Color removal from kraft pulping effluent by lime addition. 1975
Combination limestone-lime neutralization of ferrous iron acid mine drainage / 1978
Comparative SO2 reactivity of CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 / 1989
Comparison of source particulate emission measurement methods at lime kilns and smelt dissolving tank vent stacks. 1973
Costs of radium removal from potable water supplies / 1977
Determination of Radium Removal Efficiencies in Illinois Water Supply Treatment Processes. 1976
Determination of Radium Removal Efficiencies in Iowa Water Supply Treatment Processes. 1976
Determination of Radium Removal Efficiencies in Water Treatment Processes. 1976
Disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes : Shawnee field evaluation / 1980
Disposal, Recycle, and Utilization of Modified Fly Ash from Hydrated Lime Injection into Coal-Fired Utility Boilers. 1987
Economic Evaluation of Limestone and Lime Flue-Gas-Desulfurization Processes. 1983
Economic impact analysis for the lime manufacturing MACT standard : final report / 2003
Economics of disposal of lime/limestone scrubbing wastes / 1978
Effluent polishing by filtration through activated alumina 1976
Electric utility plant flue-gas desulfurization : a potential new market for lime, limestone, and other carbonate materials / 1974
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