Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Insecticides toxicology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Investigation of diazinon occurrence, toxicity, and, treatability in southern United States publicly owned treatment works : Appendix C Batch Treatability Testing. 1997
Investigation of diazinon occurrence, toxicity, and, treatability in southern United States publicly owned treatment works : Appendix D Continuous Flow Treatability Testing. 1997
Investigation of diazinon occurrence, toxicity, and, treatability in southern United States publicly owned treatment works : Appendix E Auxiliary Process Enhancement Studies. 1997
Investigation of diazinon occurrence, toxicity, and, treatability in southern United States publicly owned treatment works : Appendix F Partitioning and Bench-Scale Fate Testing. 1997
Investigation of diazinon occurrence, toxicity, and, treatability in southern United States publicly owned treatment works : Appendix G AQUA-Science Report. 1997
Investigation of diazinon occurrence, toxicity, and, treatability in southern United States publicly owned treatment works : Appendix H Work Plan. 1997
Investigation of diazinon occurrence, toxicity, and, treatability in southern United States publicly owned treatment works : executive summary. 1997
Investigation of diazinon occurrence, toxicity, and, treatability in southern United States publicly owned treatment works : Project Report 1997
Isobenzan health and safety guide. 1991
Isobenzan. 1992
Lack of Correspondence at High Acute Doses of DDT between the Levels Found in Blood and Brain. 1969
Long-term health effects of aldrin and dieldrin : a study of exposure, health effects and mortality of workers engaged in the manufacture and formulation of the insecticides aldrin and dieldrin / 1991
Metabolic Alterations in the Squirrel Monkey Induced by DDT Administration and Ascorbic Acid Deficiency. 1971
Methamidophos : health and safety guide. 1993
Methyl parathion 1993
Mode of action of cyclodiene insecticides / 1976
Mode of action of cyclodiene insecticides : the nervous system influenced by toxaphene / 1980
Monocrotophos : health and safety guide. 1993
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of methyl bromide (CAS no. 74-83-9) in B6C3F1 mice (inhalation studies) / 1992
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of mirex (1,1a,2,2,3,3a,4,5,5a,5b,6-Dodecachlorooctahydro-1,3-4-metheno-1H-cyclobuta{cd}pentalene) (CAS no. 2385-85-5) in F344/N rats (feed studies) 1990
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of promethazine hydrochloride (CAS no. 58-33-3), in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies) / 1993
Occupational exposure to carbaryl. 1976
Oral Toxicity of Mirex in Adult and Suckling Rats, with Notes on the Ultrastructure of Liver Changes. 1970
Organophosphates : chemistry, fate, and effects / 1992
Organophosphorus insecticides : a general introduction / 1986
Paralytic and Related Effects of Certain Organic Phosphorus Compounds. 1955
Permethrin health and safety guide. 1989
Pesticidal Aspects of Chlordane in Relation to Man and the Environment. 1976
Pesticide fact sheet : 'metarhizium anisopliae' strain ESF1. 1993
Pesticide fact sheet : carbofuran. 1989
Pesticide fact sheet : coumaphos. 1989
Pesticide fact sheet : cypermethrin. 1989
Pesticide fact sheet : ethion. 1989
Pesticide fact sheet : Fenpropathrin. 1989
Pesticide fact sheet : heptachlor. 1989
Pesticide fact sheet : methomyl. 1989
Pesticide fact sheet : methoxychlor. 1988
Pesticide fact sheet : sulfluramid. 1989
Pesticide fact sheet : terbufos. 1988
Proconvulsant Activity of Endosulfan in Amygdala Kindling. 1992
Pyrethroid Insecticides and Radioligand Displacement from the GABA Receptor Chloride Ionophore Complex. 1987
R.E.D. facts : lauryl sulfate salts. 1993
R.E.D. facts : allium sativum (garlic) / 1992
R.E.D. facts : nabam / 1996
R.E.D. Facts Carbon 1991
R.E.D. Facts Citric Acid 1992
RED facts : 1,3-dichloropropene / 1998
RED facts : 10, 10' - oxybisphenoxarsine (OBPA) / 1993
RED facts : 2-(hydroxymethyl) amino ethenol / 1993
RED facts : alachlor / 1998
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