Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Incineration Environmental aspects United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Profile of existing hazardous waste incineration facilities and manufacturers in the United States / 1984
A review of techniques for incineration of sewage sludge with solid wastes / 1977
Boilers cofiring hazardous waste effects of hysteresis on performance measurements / 1988
Carbon filtration for reducing emissions from chemical agent incineration / 1999
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators / 1991
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 1. Summary report / 1989
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 2. Site 1 final emission test report (final report 1987-1990) / 1989
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 3. Site 2 final emission test report / 1989
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 4. Site 2 final emission test report, appendices / 1989
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 5. Site 3 final emission test report / 1989
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 6. Site 4 final emission test report / 1989
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 7. Site 4 final emission test report appendices / 1989
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 8. GC/MS tapes review report / 1990
Environmental assessment : at-sea and land-based incineration of organochlorine wastes / 1978
Environmental review of incineration technologies 1986
Evaluation of air pollution control devices for hazardous waste combustion 1983
Fate of trace metals in a rotary kiln incinerator with a Venturi/packed column scrubber. {microform}. Volume 2. Appendices. / 1990
Hazardous waste incineration : evaluating the human health and environmental risks / 1999
Hospital waste combustion study : data gathering phase, final report. 1988
Hospital waste incinerator field inspection and source evaluation manual / 1989
Laboratory and field evaluation of a methodology for determination of hydrogen chloride emissions from municipal and hazardodus waste incinerators / 1989
Laboratory and field evaluation of a methodology for determination of hydrogen chloride emissions from municipal and hazardodus waste incinerators / 1989
Municipal waste combustion assessment : combustion control at existing facilities / 1990
Municipal waste combustion assessment : fluidized bed combustion / 1990
Municipal waste combustion assessment : medical waste combustion practices at municipal waste combustion facilities / 1990
Municipal waste combustion study : report to Congress / 1987
Municipal waste combustion systems operation and maintenance study / 1987
Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures for hazardous waste incineration. 1990
Reducing backyard burning in Indian country. 2003
Sampling and analysis methods for hazardous waste combustion / 1984
Sampling and analysis methods for hazardous waste combustion : (First Edition) / 1982
Test report for the trial burn of dionseb in a pilot-scale incinerator : project summary / 1990
The fate of trace metals in a rotary kiln incinerator with a single-stage ionizing wet scrubber : project summary / 1991
The fate of trace metals in a rotary kiln incinerator with a single-stage ionizing wet scrubber : Volume 1. Technical results / 1990
The Fate of trace metals in a rotary kiln incinerator with a Venturi/packed column scrubber / 1991

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