Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hungary)

Select Item Title Year Published
A survey of foreign noise effects research / 1978
Carbon dioxide emissions control in Hungary case study to the year 2030 / 1990
Dare to survive 1992
Digest of comments on the Pharmacop ia of the United States of American (eighth decennial revision) and on the National formulary (third edition) for the calendar year ending December 31 1909 1912
Digest of comments on the Pharmacop ia of the United States of American (eighth decennial revision) and on the National formulary (third edition) for the calendar year ending December 31 1910 1912
Environmental education and training in Hungary 1993
Fateless / 2004
Hazánk kèornyezeti állapotának mutatói = Environmental indicators of Hungary / 1994
Hungary's environmental characteristics and requirements the application of environmental restoration and waste management technologies / 1992
Investigation of the representativeness of a microclimate station = Untersuchung der Repräsentativität einer Mikroklimastation / 1962
Lake Balaton : research and management / 1988
Legszennyezo anyagok turbulens diffuziojanak meteorologiai foltetelei magyarorszagon = Meteorological conditions of the turbulent diffusion of atmospheric pollutants in Hungary / 1967
National environmental and nature conservation policy concept 1995
Review environment, nature conservation, building and regional policy in Hungary. 0
Review of agricultural policies Hungary. 1994
Science, technology and innovation policies Hungary. 1993
State of the environment in Hungary the short and medium term environment protection action plan of the government. 1992
State of the Hungarian environment 1990
Summaries of Foreign Government Environmental Reports. 1975
Summaries of Foreign Government Environmental Reports. 1974
Summaries of foreign government environmental reports. 0
Summaries of Foreign Government Environmental Reports. 1974
Summaries of Foreign Government Environmental Reports. Number 19. 1974
Summaries of Foreign Government Environmental Reports. Number 21. 1974
Summaries of Foreign Government Environmental Reports. Number 23. 1974
Summaries of Foreign Government Environmental Reports. Number 31. 1975
Summaries of Foreign Government Environmental Reports. Number 45. 1976

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