Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Proctoeces' sp. (Trematoda: Digenea) in the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
'Rivulus marmoratus': A Unique Fish Useful in Chronic Marine Bioassays of Halogenated Organics. 1980
A colour atlas of the anatomy of small laboratory animals / 1992
A short-term method for assessing the reproductive toxicity of endocrine-disrupting chemicals using the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) / 2002
A stereotaxic atlas of the New Zealand rabbit's brain / 1972
A survey of the normal and pathological histology of scleractinian corals with emphasis on the effects of sedimentation stress / 1984
Acute and Subchronic Toxicity in Rats of Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene in Drinking Water (Journal Version). 1987
Acute Exposure of the Neonatal Rat to Triethyltin Results in Persistent Changes in Neurotypic and Gliotypic Proteins (Journal Version). 1987
Acute Exposure to Tris(2-Chloroethyl)Phosphate Produces Hippocampal Neuronal Loss and Impairs Learning in Rats. 1990
Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Exposure to a Simulated Urban Profile of Ozone: Effects on Extrapulmonary Natural Killer Cell Activity and Lymphocyte Mitogenic Responses. 1990
Age-Related Changes in the Regional Distribution of Hormones in the Male Rat Anterior Pituitary (Journal Version). 1988
Altered Function and Histology in Guinea Pigs after Inhalation of Diesel Exhaust. 1980
An atlas of reproductive development in rockfishes, genus Sebastes / 2012
Anatomy of the rat / 1963
Animal tissue techniques 1967
Animal-Sediment Relationships: A Case Study of the Patapsco River. 1983
Atlas of descriptive histology / 1977
Atlas of experimental toxicological pathology 1987
Atlas of fish histology : normal and pathological features / 1982
Atlas of functional histology / 2000
Atlas of histology 1975
Atlas of human histology 1974
Atlas of the ultrastructure of diseased human muscle 1972
Atlas of trout histology 1974
Atlas of vertebrate cells in tissue culture 1970
Attempts to Abbreviate Time to End-Point in Fish Hepatocarcinogenesis Assays. 1984
Biological Effects of Nitrogen Oxides - A Summary of Animal Exposure Experiments - (Chisso Sankabutsu no Seitai Eikyo - Dobutsu Bakuro Jikken -). 1973
Biology of the vertebrates; a comparative study of man and his animal allies, 1939
Brief Communication: Pancreatic-Type Tissue in Livers of Rats Fed Polychlorinated Biphenyls. 1973
Carcinogenic potential of rotenone : Phase I : Dietary administration to hamsters / 1979
Carcinogenic potential of rotenone : Phase II : Oral and intraperitoneal administration to rats / 1979
Carcinogenicity of New and Used Lubricants. 1982
Carcinoma of the Exocrine Pancreas in Medaka. 1991
Cardiovascular Effects of o,p'-DDD. 1970
Cells and tissues by light and electron microscopy : microscopie photonique et électronique de tissus et de cellules / 1970
Cerebellar Histogenesis in Rats Exposed to 2450 MHz Microwave Radiation. 1988
Changes in Metal Concentrations in Hepatic Tissue in Hepatic Tissue in Some Liver Diseases. I. Assessment of Zn, Cu and Mn Concentrations in Necrotic Material. 1973
Chemical carcinogens in bivalve mollusks from Oregon estuaries / 1979
Chemicals which have been tested for neurotoxic effects : final report. 1976
Chronic AIF3 Administration: 2. Selected Historical Observations. 1993
Chronic Effects of Three Crude Oils on Oysters Suspended in Estuarine Ponds. 1978
Chronic Toxicity Studies on 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene in Fischer 344 Rats. 1996
Cognitive and Neuroanatomical Effects of Triethyltin in Developing Rats: Role of Age of Exposure. Research Report. 1994
Comparative Hepatotoxicity of Inhaled Cadmium Chloride and Cadmium Oxide (Journal Version). 1987
Comparative histology : an introduction to the microscopic structure of animals 1975
Comparative placentation essays in structure and function / 1975
Comparative plant anatomy : a guide to taxonomic and evolutionary application of anatomical data in angiosperms / 1961
Comparative vertebrate histology 1969
Concurrent Neoplastic and Protistan Disorders in the American Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica). 1979
Contribution to the Study of the Immunological Aspects of Chronic Berylliosis (Contribution a letude des Aspects Immunologiques de la Berylliose Chronique). 1971
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