Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazardous Substances Handbooks)

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Select Item Title Year Published
ATSDR toxprofiles 2002. 2002
Book of lists for regulated hazardous substances 1995
Book of lists for regulated hazardous substances 1992
Book of lists for regulated hazardous substances 1990
Book of lists for regulated hazardous substances 1991
Book of lists for regulated hazardous substances 2001
Book of lists for regulated hazardous substances / 2006
Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazards 1999
Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazards 1995
Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazards 1990
Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazards / 2007
Chemical hazards response information system : hazardous chemical data manual : commandant instruction 16465.12C. 1998
Chemical information resources handbook / 1981
Chemical regulatory crossreference. 1990
CHRIS : hazardous chemical data. 1974
CHRIS. 1978
CHRIS: hazard assessment handbook. 1977
CHRIS: response methods handbook. 1975
Dangerous properties of industrial materials 1989
Dangerous properties of industrial materials / 1979
Dangerous properties of industrial materials / 1984
Elements of toxicology and chemical risk assessment a handbook for nonscientists, attorneys and decision makers. 1986
Elements of toxicology and chemical risk assessment. 1988
Emergency handling of hazardous materials in surface transportation 1981
Emergency services guide for selected hazardous materials : spills, fire, evacutaion area. 1974
Environmental management handbook : toxic chemical materials and waste / 1989
Extremely hazardous substances : superfund chemical profiles / 1988
Fire hazard properties of flammable liquids, gases, volatile solids, 1984. 1984
Fire protection guide on hazardous materials. 1986
Fire protection guide on hazardous materials. 1978
Fire protection guide on hazardous materials. 1972
Fire protection guide on hazardous materials. 1975
Guidance for controlling asbestos-containing materials in buildings / 1985
Guidance manual for selection and use of sorbents for liquid hazardous substance releases / 1987
Handbook of chemical health and safety / 2001
Handbook of hazardous chemical properties / 2000
Handbook of hazardous materials : fire, safety, health. 1983
Handbook of hazardous waste regulation Comprehensive introduction to RCRA compliance / 1985
Handbook of reactive chemical hazards 1985
Handbook of reactive chemical hazards : an indexed guide to published data / 1979
Handbook of toxic and hazardous chemicals and carcinogens / 1991
Handbook on hazardous materials management 1995
Hazard communication guide : federal & state right to know standards. 1985
Hazard communication training manual / 1987
Hazardous chemicals data book 1980
Hazardous chemicals data book / 1986
Hazardous chemicals desk reference 1987
Hazardous chemicals desk reference / 1993
Hazardous chemicals desk reference / 1991
Hazardous chemicals desk reference / 1996
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