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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Geology Structural)

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Select Item Title Year Published
3-D Structural Geology A Practical Guide to Quantitative Surface and Subsurface Map Interpretation / [electronic resource] : 2006
A new look at the Laramide orogeny in the Seminoe and Shirley mountains, Freezeout Hills, and Hanna Basin, south-central Wyoming : prepared for a field trip on October 24-27, 1996 associated with the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America in Denver, Colorado / 1996
A Petrographic Atlas of Ophiolite An example from the eastern India-Asia collision zone / [electronic resource] : 2014
Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin [electronic resource] / 2011
Active tectonics of the Hellenic subduction zone [electronic resource] / 2012
Arc Volcano of Japan Generation of Continental Crust from the Mantle / [electronic resource] : 2011
Atlantic coastal plain sedimentation and basement tectonics southeast of Washington, D.C. Fort Washington to Waldorf, Maryland, July 13, 1989 / 1989
Atlas of Shear Zone Structures in Meso-scale [electronic resource] / 2014
Bedrock geologic map of the anthracite-bearing rocks in the Wilkes-Barre west quadrangle, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 1976
Bedrock geologic map of the Ashaway quadrangle, Connecticut-Rhode Island / 1965
Bedrock map, Hackensack Meadows area, New Jersey 1962
Bedrock-surface map of central San Francisco Bay, California / 1970
Characteristics of Chinese Petroleum Geology Geological Features and Exploration Cases of Stratigraphic, Foreland and Deep Formation Traps / [electronic resource] : 2012
Configuration of top of Precambrian basement rocks in Kansas / 1962
Continental Evolution: The Geology of Morocco Structure, Stratigraphy, and Tectonics of the Africa-Atlantic-Mediterranean Triple Junction / [electronic resource] : 2008
Contributions to Colorado seismicity and tectonics, a 1986 update / 1986
Crustal deformation at the leading edge of the Oregon Coast Range block, offshore Washington (Columbia River to Hoh River) / 2002
Crustal structure of the Cascadia fore arc of Washington / 2005
Crustal structure of the coastal and marine San Francisco Bay region, California / 2002
Dead Sea Transform Fault System: Reviews [electronic resource] / 2014
Deep Crustal Structure of the Son-Narmada-Tapti Lineament, Central India [electronic resource] / 2012
Deformation Microstructures in Rocks [electronic resource] / 2013
Depth to bedrock in North Dakota / 1986
Detailed sections from auger holes in the Elizabethtown 1:100,000-scale map sheet, North Carolina / 2011
Discrete Fracture Network Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation Coupling Flow and Geomechanics / [electronic resource] : 2013
Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins The Central European Basin System / [electronic resource] : 2008
Evolution of Archean Crust and Early Life [electronic resource] / 2014
Exclusive economic zone an exciting new frontier / 1983
Experimental Rock Deformation - The Brittle Field [electronic resource] / 2005
Fluid inclusions : an introduction to studies of all types of fluid inclusions, gas, liquid, or melt, trapped in materials from earth and space, and their application to the understanding of geologic processes / 1984
Foreland compressional tectonics : southern Bighorn Basin and adjacent areas, Wyoming / 1986
Fossil Earthquakes: The Formation and Preservation of Pseudotachylytes [electronic resource] / 2008
Fracture-correlated lineaments at Great Bay, southeastern New Hampshire 2002
Geologic and topographic bedrock map of North Dakota / 1983
Geologic map of Clarke, Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, and Warren Counties, Virginia / 1996
Geologic map of the Bristol quadrangle and vicinity, Rhode Island-Massachusetts : bedrock geology / 1954
Geologic map of the Narragansett Pier quadrangle, Rhode Island : bedrock geology / 1956
Geologic map of the North Scituate quadrangle, Rhode Island : bedrock geology / 1951
Geologic map of the Providence quadrangle, Rhode Island : bedrock geology / 1959
Geologic map of Warren County, Virginia / 1995
Geologic studies of the Columbia plateau : a status report / 1979
Geologic studies of the Cordilleran thrust belt / 1982
Geology of southern California / 1954
Geology of southern California. Maps / 1954
Geology of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory site and adjacent areas / 1984
Geology of the Nepal Himalaya Regional Perspective of the Classic Collided Orogen / [electronic resource] : 2015
Geology of the Simeon quadrangle, Virginia / 1994
Geology of Walworth County, South Dakota / 1987
Geometrical Geodesy Using Information and Computer Technology / [electronic resource] : 2008
Geomorphology and plant ecology of the Shenandoah Valley Waterlick to Strasburg, Virginia, July 20-23, 1989 / 1989
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