Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 1051 - 1100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Gas chromatography)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Reactions of Chlorite with Activated Carbon and with Vanillic Acid and Indan Adsorbed on Activated Carbon. 1983
Reactions of dissolved pollutants with ozone in aqueous solutions {microform} : 1984
Reagents for Determinations of Trace Impurities in Water. 1972
Real-Time Monitoring of a Hazardous Waste Incinerator with a Mobile Laboratory. 1987
Recent advances in capillary gas chromatography 1981
Recent Advances in the Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectrometry of Organic Compounds. 1989
Recent Applications of Mass Spectrometry and Combined Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to Pesticide Residue Analysis. 1970
Recognition of Diazinon, An Organophosphorus Pesticide, When Found in Samples in the Form of Decomposition Products. 1981
Recommended operating procedure no. 45 : analysis of nitrous oxide from combustion sources / 1990
Reductive Degradation of Dieldrin and Endrin in the Field Using Acidified Zinc. 1981
Regional air pollution study : gas chromatograph laboratory operations / 1976
Regional air pollution study : gas chromatograph laboratory operations / 1980
Regional air pollution study : quality assurance audits / 1976
Regional air pollution study : quality assurance audits / 1979
Regiospecific Dechlorination of Pentachlorophenol by Dichlorophenol-Adapted Microorganisms in Freshwater, Anaerobic Sediment Slurries. 1991
Relative Retention Ratios of Ninety-Five Pesticides and Metabolites on Nine Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Columns Over a Temperature Range of 170 to 204C in Two Detection Modes. 1975
Relative Retention Ratios of Ninety-Five Pesticides and Metabolites on Nine Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Columns Over a Temperature Range of 170 to 204C in Two Detection Modes. 1975
Release of Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Contaminated Lake Sediments: Flux and Apparent Diffusivities of Four Individual PCBs. 1983
Report on the Determination of Mass Emissions from Two-Cycle Engine Operated Vehicles. 1970
Reprints of EPA methods for chemical analysis under the information collection rule / 1996
Research into the Prevention of Polychlorotriphenyls (PCTs). 1973
Research Towards Developing Methods for Selected Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) Adapted for Biosolids. 2006
Residual Monomers in Acrylic and Modacrylic Fibers and Fabrics. 1979
Residue-removal methods for pesticides and industrial chemicals found in aquatic environments 1975
Retention time precision in gas chromatographic methods employing cryogenic preconcentration for analysis of whole air samples. 1995
Review of Laboratory Systems Developed for Studying Gas-Phase Thermal Decomposition. 1984
Role of Physico-Chemical Properties of Aroclors 1016 and 1242 in Determining Their Fate and Transport in Aquatic Environments. 1978
Sample preparation for gas chromatographic analysis 1983
Sampling and Analysis Experiments for Improved Characterization of Products of Incomplete Combustion. 1989
Sampling and analysis for polychlorinated dibenzo-P-dioxins and dibenzofurans in ambient air. {microfiche} 1990
Sampling and Analysis Information Aids for Stationary Source Personnel. 1993
Sampling and analysis methods for hazardous waste combustion / 1984
Sampling and analysis of butadiene at a neoprene plant / 1990
Sampling and analysis of butadiene at a synthetic rubber plant / 1989
Sampling and analysis of coke-oven door emissions / 1977
Sampling and Analysis of PCDDs and PCDFs in Stationary Source Emission Air Samples. 1992
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task I, vinylidene chloride. 1977
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task II: analysis for semivolatile brominated organics in fish and turtles. 1980
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task III -vinyl chloride, secondary sources / 1976
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task III : vinyl chloride, secondary sources. 1976
Sampling and analysis of the aquatic environment in POTW's and their vicinity 1979
Sampling and analysis procedures for screening of industrial effluents for priority pollutants. 1977
Sampling and analysis research program at the Paraho shale oil demonstration plant / 1978
Sampling and analytical strategies for compounds in petroleum refinery streams, volume II : process analysis of petroleum refinery streams / 1976
Sampling and Analytical Strategies for Compounds in Petroleum Refinery Streams. Volume I. 1976
Sampling and Identification of Pollutant Oils in Industrial Watercourses. 1976
Sampling for Organic Chemicals in Air. 1994
Sampling of automobile interiors for organic emissions / 1985
Sampling of Volatile Organic Compounds from Combustion Sources Using Tedlar (Trade Name) Bags with Analysis by GC/MS. 1994
Screening Air Samples for Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds: A Field Study. 1983
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