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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Food chains ecology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A quantitative food web analysis of a shortgrass community / 1972
A study of the detritus pathway : the role of detritus and the associated microbiota in the nutrition of Gammarus minus say (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) / 1971
Accumulation of dieldrin in an alga (Scenedesmus obliquus), daphnia (Daphnia magna), guppy (Lebistes reticulatus) food chain. 1971
Agricultural production in the United States by county : a compilation of information from the 1974 Census of Agriculture for use in terrestrial food-chain transport and assessment models / 1982
An age dependent model of PCB in a Lake Michigan food chain / 1984
An age-dependent model of PCB in a Lake Michigan food chain / 1984
An age-dependent model of PCB in a Lake Michigan food chain / 1984
Analysis of persistence in model ecosystems : deterministic and stochastic food web models / 1984
Analysis of Persistence in Model Ecosystems: Deterministic and Stochastic Food Web Models. 1984
Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs 1985
Aquatic food webs : an ecosystem approach / 2004
Assessment of the trophic status of Iowa stream fish for development of biocriteria / 2000
Coastal ecosystem processes / 1997
Criteria document : aldrin/dieldrin. 1976
Criteria document [for] endrin. 1976
Current trends in food web theory : report on a food web workshop, October 25-27, 1982, Fontana Village Inn, North Carolina / 1983
Definition of the origins and fates of organic nitrogen in food webs of Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve / 1990
Description of MSNUCY, a computer model combining interspecific interactions with nutrient cycling 1985
Enclosed experimental marine ecosystems : a review and recommendations : a contribution of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research Working Group 85 / 1990
Eutrophication in planktonic ecosystems : food web dynamics and elemental cycling : proceedings of the Fourth International PELAG Symposium, held in Helsinki, Finland, 26-30 August 1996 / 1998
Eutrophication of Sheltered Bays in a Large Lake. 1971
Flows of energy and materials in marine ecosystems : theory and practice / 1984
Food chains, yields, models, and management of large marine ecosystems / 1991
Food web model for Lake Michigan. Part 2. Model formulation and preliminary verification 1975
Food web relationships of Northern Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca : a synthesis of the available knowledge / 1979
Food webs / 2012
Food webs : integration of patterns & dynamics / 1996
Food webs and biodiversity : foundations, models, data / 2013
Influences of dietary uptake and reactive sulfides on metal bioavailability from aquatic sediments / 2000
Influences of Microbial Populations on Aquatic Nutrient Cycles and Some Engineering Aspects. 1972
Kinetics of passage of radioelements through subtropical marine environment and biota influencing the human food chain / 1973
Laboratory procedure for estimating residue dynamics of xenobiotic contaminants in a freshwater food chain 1980
Lipids in aquatic ecosystems / 2009
Lower organisms and their role in the food web : proceedings of the 15th European Marine Biology Symposium, Kiel, Damp 2000, Federal Republic of Germany (September 29-October 3, 1980) 1981
Marine food chains. 1970
Marine polyculture based on natural food chains and recycled wastes / 1976
National sediment bioaccumulation conference : proceedings. 1998
Physiology of Acidophilic Bacteria of Acid Mine Water. 1972
Phytoplankton and trophic gradients : proceedings of the 10th workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy & Ecology (IAP), held in Granada, Spain, 21-29 June 1996 / 1998
Phytoplankton species composition, size structure, and biomass and their possible effect on copepod food availability in the low salinity zone of the San Francisco Bay/Delta Estuary 1998
Polyunsaturated hydrocarbon (3,6,9,12,15,18,-Heneocosahexaene) in the marine food web 1970
Primary productivity and basic food chain relationships in two Long Island Bays / 1977
Rehabilitation of Lake Ontario : the role of nutrient reduction and food web dynamics : based on conclusions and recommendations from Food Web II Workshop, held at Canada Centre for Inland Waters on February 25-27, 1987. 1988
Report on the Workshop on Food-Chain Modeling for Risk Analysis / 1985
Role of Aquatic Vascular Plants in the Eutrophication of Selected Lakes in Western Massachusetts. 1967
Role of bioaccumulation in environmental risk assessment the aquatic environment and related food webs. 1995
Sensitivity of habitats in Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve to oil spills / 1991
Size dependent model of hazardous substances in aquatic food chain / 1978
Study of lead, copper, zinc and cadmium contamination of food chains of man. 1972
Temporal patterns of grazers and vegetation in a temperate seagrass system 1991
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