Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fats)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis and characterization of oils, fats, and fat products, 1964
At a Glance : EPA's Handling of a Proposed Alternative Method for Measuring Oil and Grease in Wastewater Met Requirements But Controls Need to Be Strengthened. 2013
Bailey's Industrial oil and fat products / 1979
Biotechnology for the oils and fats industry 1984
Chemical analysis of waste crankcase oil combustion samples : project summary / 1983
Conversion of sewage sludge to oil by hydroliquefaction / 1984
CSFII analysis of food intake distributions. 2003
Determination of DDT and Related Substances in Human Fat. 1953
Development of methods for the stabilization of pyrolytic oils / 1982
Effect of Repeated Administration of Phenobarbital on the Metabolism of Dieldrin. 1967
EPA's handling of a proposed alternative method for measuring oil and grease in wastewater met requirements but controls need to be strengthened / 2013
Fabrication de corps gras par fonte en continu avec valorisation des eaux residuaires = Manufacture of fats by continuous melting with recovery of fats and proteins from the wastewater / 1982
Facilities evaluation of high efficiency boiler destruction PCB waste / 1981
Fatty acids, their chemistry, properties, production, and uses / 1960
Federal water pollution control act. Public law 84-660, as amended by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act amendments of 1961 - (PL87-88), the Water Quality Act of 1965 - (PL89-234), and the Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966 - (PL89-753) ... Oil Pollution Act, 1924 as amended by the Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966 - (PL89-753). 1967
Fish acute toxicity syndromes in the development of mechanism-specific QSARS. {microfiche} 1991
Hormonal Influences on DDT Metabolism in the White Rat. 1956
International news on fats, oils, and related materials INFORM / 1990
Lack of Effect of Drinking Water Barium on Cardiovascular Risk Factors. 1990
Odor control by scrubbing in the rendering industry / 1976
Oil criteria. 1972
Optimizing Lipid Biostabilization. 1970
Preliminary data summary for the coastal, onshore and stripper subcategories of the oil and gas extraction point source category. 1989
Preliminary report of EPA efforts to replace freon for the determination of oil and grease. 1993
Proposed test procedure for the analysis of oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 1995
Recovery of fatty materials from edible oil refinery effluents / 1973
Report of EPA efforts to replace freon for the determination of oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons : phase II. 1995
Reregistration eligibility decision : flower and vegetable oils. 1993
Role of epoxidized vegetable oils as reactive diluents in high solids alkyd and epoxy coatings / 1996
Salt, sugar, fat : how the food giants hooked us / 2013
Significance of food processing by-products as contributors to animal feeds : phase I food processing survey : draft / 1989
Study of fat and oil pollution of New York State waters : Prepared for New York State Dept. of Health / 1967
Study of the Mechanisms and Suppression of Evaporation of Water from Soils. 1971
Survival of the Fattest: Implications for Acute Effects of Lipophilic Chemicals on Aquatic Populations. 1990
The journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 1947
The use and fate of laubricants, oils, greases, and hydraulic fluids in the iron and steel industry / 1978
Treatability of oil and grease discharged to publicly owned treatment works. 1975
Treatment of packinghouse wastewater by intermittent sand filtration / 1978
Used oil analysis and waste oil furnace emissions study / 1995
Used oil burned as a fuel / 1980
Vegetable fats and oils; their chemisry, production, and utilization for edible, medicinal and technical purposes. 1943
Water and Wastewater Management in Dairy Processing. 1972
Water quality standards criteria digest : a compilation of Federal/State criteria on oil. 1972

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