Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Estuaries)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Responses of Experimental Estuarine Communities to Continuous Chlorination. 1981
Restoration of Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Habitat for Multiple Estuarine Species Benefits. A Final Report to the Piscatauqa Region Estuaries Partnership. 2009
Restoration of the Salmon River salt marshes : retrospect and prospect / 1990
Restoration potential of diked estuarine wetlands : inferring fate and recovery rate of historically-breached sites / 1996
Restoration potential of diked estuarine wetlands in Washington and Oregon. Phase I : Inventory of candidate sites / 1988
Restoration potential of diked estuarine wetlands in Washington and Oregon. phase II : Identification of candidate sites in Puget Sound / 1990
Review of EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Forests and Estuaries. 1994
Review of EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Overall Evaluation. 1995
Review of Erosion and Sedimentation Control Programs in the Piscataqua Region. 2010
Review of the Current Status of Marine Algal Toxicity Testing in the United States. 1993
Richardson Bay Effluent Dilution Study. A Working Paper. 1971
Risk Ranking Project. Region 2. Ecological Ranking and Problem Analysis: Health, Ecology and Welfare/Economics. 1991
River as a Chemical Reactor. Volume I. 1971
River as a Chemical Reactor. Volume II. 1971
River as a Chemical Reactor. Volume III. 1971
River Basin Validation of the Water Quality Assessment Methodology for Screening Nondesignated 208 Areas. Volume I: Nonpoint Source Load Estimation. 1982
River Basin Validation of the Water Quality Assessment Methodology for Screening Nondesignated 208 Areas. Volume II: Chesapeake-Sandusky Nondesignated 208 Screening Methodology Demonstration. 1982
River Road, New Castle Marsh Restoration Recommendations. 2010
Role of a Newly Discovered Toxic Dinoflagellate in Finfish and Shellfish Kills in the Neuse and Pamlico Estuaries. 1993
Role of Benthic Communities in the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycles of an Estuary. 1976
Role of Organic Debris and Associated Micro-Organisms in Pelagic Estuarine Food Chains. 1973
Role of Organic Debris and Associated Microorganisms in Pelagic Estuarine Food Chains. 1972
Routed Vascular Beds in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. 1994
SAB Report: Evaluation of the National Estuary Program Monitoring Guidance Document. 1991
Salinity characteristics of Gulf of Mexico estuaries / 1993
Salinity regimes in Louisiana estuaries 1973
Salinity Tolerance of Young Topsmelt, 'Atherinops affinis', Cultured in the Laboratory. 1988
Salinity, runoff and wind measurements, Yaquina Estuary, Oregon, April 1967-October 1968, 1970
Salt intrusion, tides and mixing in multi-channel estuaries / 2008
San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta water quality and waste disposal investigation : San Francisco Bay-Delta Model ; technical memorandum no. 3, results of model tests for Peripheral Canal - Phase I, 2nd rough draft / 1975
San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta water quality and waste disposal investigation : San Francisco Bay-Delta Model ; technical memorandum no. 3, results of model tests for Peripheral Canal - Phase I. / 1974
San Francisco Bay, the urbanized estuary : investigations into the natural history of San Francisco Bay and Delta with reference to the influence of man 1979
San Joaquin Estuary Near Stockton, Calif. An Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Regimen. 1968
Sarasota Bay Project: State of the Bay Report. 1990
Saving bays and estuaries : a handbook of tactics / 1988
Saving bays and estuaries : a primer for establishing and managing estuary programs. Appendices G, H, and I. 1990
Saving bays and estuaries : a primer for establishing and managing estuary projects / 1989
Science Advisory Group Workshop on Sediment Assessment in Tampa Bay: Summary Report. 1995
Science Supporting Dissolved Oxygen Objectives in California Estuaries. 2012
Scoping Study of the Distribution, Composition, and Dynamics of Water-Column and Bottom Sediments: Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. 1989
Screening of Candidate Species for Development of Standard Operating Procedures for Aquatic Toxicity Testing with Resident Chesapeake Bay Biota. 1994
Seagrass Habitat in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Degradation, Conservation and Restoration of a Valuable Resource. 2011
Seagrass Management: It's Not Just Nutrients. Proceedings of a Symposium St. Petersburg, Florida. 2000
Sediment Quality Assessment Survey of the Galveston Bay System. 1993
Sediment sampling quality assurance user's guide / 1985
Sediment Water Interactions in Some Georgia Rivers and Estuaries. 1972
Sedimentation in St. Louis Bay, Mississippi. 1971
Segmentation development for Galveston Bay 1992
Segmentation of the San Francisco Bay-Delta 1987
Selected Annotated Bibliography on Columbia and Snake Rivers. 1973
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