Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2847
Showing: Items 1151 - 1200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental impacts)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Initial scientific review of MSMA/DSMA / 1975
Initial scientific review of PCNB / 1976
Innovative and alternative technology assessment manual. 1980
Innovative/alternative technology program : case studies / 1981
Inorganic arsenic emissions from glass manufacturing plants : background information for proposed standards / 1983
Inorganic arsenicals : position document 2/3. 1987
Inorganic arsenicals : position document 4. 1988
Institutional Aspects of Wastewater Management: The Boston Case Study. 1979
Instream sand and gravel regulation: analysis of the Animas and South Platte Rivers 1989
Integrated Assessment of Texas Lignite Development. Volume I. Technical Analyses. 1979
Integrated Assessment of Texas Lignite Development. Volume II. Policy Analyses. 1979
Integrated Assessment of Texas Lignite Development. Volume IV. Executive Summary. 1979
Integrated Climate and Land-Use Scenarios (ICLUS) V1.3 User's Manual: ArcGIS Tools and Datasets for Modeling US Housing Density Growth. 2010
Integrated Facility Identification System: Key to Effective Management of Environmental Information at the Environmental Protection Agency. 2005
Integrated federal interagency environmental justice action agenda. 2000
Integrated modeling for integrated environmental decision making white paper / [electronic resource] : 2008
Integrated science assessment for oxides of nitrogen [electronic resource] health criteria / 2008
Integrating build-out analysis and water quality modeling to predict the environmental impacts of alternative development scenarios / 1998
Integrating Green Purchasing Into Your Environmental Management System (EMS). 2005
Integrating Water Quality Modeling with Ecological Risk Assessment for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control: A Conceptual Framework. 1993
Integration of Monitoring and Research in Coastal Waters: Issues for Consideration from a Regulatory Point of View. 1986
Intensive Survey of the Sugar Creek Basin, Crawford County, Illinois, 1986. 1988
Interaction among Environmental Factors and Recruitment Potential in Striped Bass. 1997
Interaction of Climate and Land Use in Future Terrestrial Carbon Storage and Release. 1993
Interagency 316(a) Technical Guidance Manual and Guide for Thermal Effects Sections of Nuclear Facilities Environmental Impact Statements. 1977
Interagency Data Sharing through GIS for Cockroach Bay. 1993
Interagency energy/environment R & D program : status report III / 1977
Interagency workgroup on air quality modeling (IWAQM) phase 1 report : interim recommendation for modeling long range transport and impacts on regional visibility. 1993
Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling Phase 3 summary report : long-range transport and air quality related values (AQRVs). 2016
Interim Detailed Study Report for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category. 2006
Interim Environmental Guidelines for Thermal Power Plant Site Evaluation-Pacific Northwest. 1970
Interim Reregistraion Eligibility Decision (IRED). Tribufos. (Includes RED Facts: Tribufos Facts). 2000
Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED) for Disulfoton (Includes Disulfoton Facts). 2002
Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED) Propetamphos (Includes Fact Sheet). 2000
Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED): Bensulide (Includes Bensulide Facts). 2000
Interim reregistration eligibility decision for bensulide / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. 2000
Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Chlorpyrifos (includes Chlorpyrifos Facts). 2002
Interim reregistration eligibility decision for profenofos facts / 2000
International (non-U.S.) industrial pollution prevention : a case study compendium. 1994
International Study on 'Artemia' XI. Amino Acid Composition and Electrophoretic Protein Patterns of 'Artemia' from Five Geographical Locations. 1980
Interoperable, life-cycle tools for assuring building performance: An overview of a commercial building initiative. 1996
Inventories and Assessments of Class V Injection Wells for All States and Indian Lands in U.S. EPA Region 8 1985
Inventory of Open Dumps. 1982
Investigation of Mining Related Pollution Reduction Activities and Economic Incentives in the Monongahela River Basin. 1975
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : benzotriazoles : final report / 1977
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : mercaptobenzothiazoles / 1976
Investigation of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants: Asphalt and Coal Tar Pitch. 1978
Investigation of the Environmental Impact and Environmental Damage from City Traffic - Noise and Exhaust Gases. Partial Study II.3. Determination of the Economic Costs of the Stress from Automobile Exhaust Gases and the Proportion of their Marginal Cost. 1973
Investigation of the Hydrologic Sensitivities to Climate: A Case Study for the American River, Washington (Final Technical Report). 1990
Ion chromatographic determination of perchlorate : analysis of fertilizers and related materials / 2001
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