Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=DNA Damage)

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Select Item Title Year Published
(32) P-Adduct Assay: Comparative Recoveries of Structurally Diverse DNA Adducts in the Various Enhancement Procedures. 1988
32P-Adduct Assay: Comparative Recoveries of Structurally Diverse DNA Adducts in the Various Enhancement Procedures. 1988
32P-Postlabeling Analysis of Aromatic DNA Adducts in Fish from Polluted Areas. 1987
32P-Postlabeling DNA Adduct Assay: Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in the Respiratory and Nonrespiratory Rat Tissues. 1990
Advances in DNA damage and repair : oxygen radical effects, cellular protection, and biological consequences / 1999
Analysis of DNA Strand Breaks Induced in Rodent Liver In vivo, Hepatocytes in Primary Culture, and a Human Cell Line by Chlorinated Acetic Acids and Chlorinated Acetaldehydes. 1992
Analysis of X-ray-Induced HPRT Mutations in CHO Cells: Insertion and Deletions. 1992
Application of Biomarkers to Predict Responses of Organisms Exposed to Contaminated Marine Sediments. 1990
Application of the DNA Alkaline Unwinding Assay to Detect DNA Strand Breaks in Marine Bivalves. 1993
Benzo(a)pyrene Diol Epoxide I Binds to DNA at Replication Forks (Journal Version). 1988
Biochemical Effects of Three Carcinogenic Chlorinated Methances in Rat Liver. 1989
Biochemical Effects of Three Chlorinated Phenols in Rat Liver. 1988
Biochemical Studies of Promoters of Carcinogenesis in Rat Liver. 1989
Biochemical Studies of Six Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles in Rat Tissues. 1989
Breakage and Binding of DNA by Reaction Products of Hypochlorous Acid with Aniline, 1-Napthylamine, or 1-Naphthol. 1992
Cell-specific factors in carcinogenesis 1980
Cellular responses to arsenic : DNA damage and defense mechanisms / 2004
Characterization of Stress-Responsive Behavior in 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' PAO: Isolation of Tn3-lacZYA Fusions with Novel Damage-Inducible (din) Promoters. 1992
Characterizing the genotoxicity of hazardous industrial wastes and effluents using short-term bioassays / 1989
Chemically-induced DNA damage and repair 1980
Circulating Factors That Modify Lung Cell DNA Synthesis Following Exposure to Inhaled Oxidants. II. Effect of Serum and Lavage on Lung Pneumocytes Following Exposure of Adult Rats to 1 PPM Ozone. 1990
Comparison of Bioindicators of Exposure to Genotoxic Indoor Air Pollutants. 1990
Concept of Activity Profiles of Antimutagens. 1989
Conditions Influencing Yield and Analysis of 8-Hydroxy-2' -Deoxyguanosine in Oxidatively Damaged DNA. 1990
Diaziquone-Induced Micronuclei in Cytochalasin B-Blocked Mouse Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes. 1987
Differences in Detection of DNA Adducts in the 32P-Postlabelling Assay After Either 1-Butanol Extraction or Nuclease Pl Treatment. 1989
DNA Adduct Formation by 12 Chemicals with Populations Potentially Suitable for Molecular Epidemiological Studies. 1992
DNA Adduct Formation, Metabolism, and Morphological Transforming Activity of Aceanthrylene in C3H10T1/2CL8 Cells. 1989
DNA Adducts and Induction of Sister Chromatid Exchanges in the Rat Following Benzo(b)-Fluoranthene Administration. 1992
DNA Adducts in Marine Mussel 'Mytilus galloprovincialis' Living in Polluted and Unpolluted Environments. Chapter 12. 1990
DNA Adducts in Rat Lung, Liver and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Produces by i.p. Administration of Benzo(a)Pyrene Metabolites and Derivatives. 1991
DNA Adducts of the Antitumor Agent Diaziquone. 1992
DNA Alterations (Chapter 3). 1992
DNA damage : effects on DNA structure and protein recognition / 1994
DNA damage recognition / 2005
DNA repair and mutagenesis / 2006
DNA Strand Breaks Induced in Cultured Human and Rodent Cells by Chlorohydroxyfuranones, Mutagens Isolated from Drinking Water. 1991
Doing the Right Thing (Book Reviews). 1991
Dose-Related Differences in DNA Adduct Levels in Rodent Tissues Following Skin Application of Complex Mixtures from Air Pollution Sources. 1990
Environmental and Molecular Characterization of Systems Which Affect Genome Alteration in 'Pseudomonas aerugirosa'. Chapter 25. 1990
Environmental Mutagens and Risk Assessment. 1990
Estimation of Mutagenic/Carcinogenic Potential of Environmental Contaminants by Ion-Molecule Reactions and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. 1990
Evaluating the human health effects of hazardous wastes : reproduction and development, neurotoxicity, genetic toxicity and cancer / 1991
Evaluation of exposure markers final report / 1990
Expression of the recA Gene of 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' PAO Is Inducible by DNA-Damaging Agents. 1988
Formation and Persistence of DNA Adducts in the Liver of Brown Bullheads Exposed to Benzo(a)Pyrene. 1990
Formation of Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in the Rat Lung and Nasal Mucosa. 1989
Frequency and Nature of Specific-Locus Mutations Induced in Female Mice by Radiations and Chemicals: A Review. 1992
Further Development of a Mammalian DNA Alkaline Unwinding Bioassay with Potential Application to Hazard Identification for Contaminants from Environmental Samples. 1988
Future directions in research on genetic toxicology of complex mixtures. / 1990
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