Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 451 - 500
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Costs)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Cost and performance estimates for tertiary wastewater treating processes / 1969
Cost and Performance Models for Electrostatically Stimulated Fabric Filtration. 1984
Cost and Performance of GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) for Trihalomethane Control. 1987
Cost and technology document for the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule / 1998
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for asbestos. 1987
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for barium. 1987
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for cadmium. 1987
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for chromium. 1987
Cost assessment for the emplacement of hazardous materials in a salt mine / 1977
Cost comparison between base-load coal-fired and nuclear plants in the midterm future (1985-2015) 1976
Cost comparisons of selected technologies for the control of sulfur dioxide from copper smelters / 1985
Cost comparisons of treatment and disposal alternatives for hazardous wastes / 1980
Cost Comparisons of Treatment and Disposal Alternatives for Hazardous Wastes. Volume II. Appendices. 1980
Cost effectiveness analysis of effluent guidelines and standards for the aluminum forming industry. 1983
Cost effectiveness analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the coastal subcategory of the oil and gas extraction point source category. 1996
Cost Effectiveness Analysis. 1995
Cost Effectiveness and Clean Water. Annual Report to the Congress. 1971
Cost effectiveness estimates for mobile source emission control / 1977
Cost effectiveness model for pollution control at coking facilities / 1979
Cost effectiveness of carbon monoxide control strategies / 1973
Cost effectiveness of stationary source VOC and NOx controls : draft. 1991
Cost equations for small drinking water systems / 1984
Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities ... needs survey : prepared pursuant to sections 205 and 516, Public Law 92-500 as amended by Public Law 93-243. 0
Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities, 1974 "needs" survey : prepared pursuant to sections 205 and 516, Public Law 92-500 as amended by Public Law 93-243. 1975
Cost Estimates for Controlling SOCs by GAC Treatment. 1990
Cost estimates methodology for once-through cooling water discharge modifications 1975
Cost Estimating Guidelines for Wastewater Treatment Systems. 1970
Cost estimating handbook for transfer, shredding and sanitary landfilling of solid waste / 1976
Cost estimating manual : combined sewer overflow storage and treatment / 1976
Cost estimating tools and resources for addressing sites under the brownfields initiative / 1998
Cost estimating tools and resources for addressing sites under the brownfields initiative / 1999
Cost estimator's reference manual / 1995
Cost evaluation of a metal and mineral recovery process for treating municipal incinerator residues 1971
Cost evaluation of automated and manual post-consumer plastic bottle sorting systems / 1994
Cost evaluation of point-of-use and point-of-entry treatment units for small systems / cost estimating tool and user guide. 2007
Cost evaluation of small system compliance options : point-of-use and point-of-entry treatment units / 1998
Cost evaluation project : U.S. Department of Energy--Hanford Site / 1990
Cost Evaluation Strategies for Technologies Tested Under the Environmental Technology Verification Program. 2001
Cost factor in rural water systems 1976
Cost justification of information services 1983
Cost management manual for the Superfund remedial and enforcement programs / 1994
Cost manual for the direct discharge segment of the petroleum refining industry 1979
Cost methodology report for beef and dairy animal feeding operations : final / 2001
Cost minimization for coal conversion pollution control : a mixed integer programming model 1978
Cost modeling for drinking water unit treatment processes. / 1990
Cost Models for Small Systems Technologies: U.S. Experience. 1987
Cost of Air and Water Pollution Control, 1976-1985: Section Three, Agency Draft, February 1976 1976
Cost of air pollution damage; a status report 1973
Cost of benzene reduction in gasoline to the petroleum refining industry / 1978
Cost of clean air. 0
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