Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Methane emissions from coal. 1992
Mine drainage in the Susquehanna River Basin / 1968
Mine Drainage Treatment and Costing Study : Coal Mining Industry / 1979
Mine spoil potentials for soil and water quality / 1974
Mineral matter and trace elements in U.S. coals : a report submitted to the Office of coal Research, United States Department of the Interior / 1972
Mining in the Hanna Coal Field 1972
Mitigating the impacts of coal/energy development in the western states : training manual : workshops for local planners, elected officials, and others ... 1980
Modeling fugitive dust impacts from surface coal mining operations : phase I. 1994
Modeling fugitive dust impacts from surface coal mining operations : phase II : model evaluation protocol. 1994
Monitoring environmental impacts of the coal and oil shale industries : research and developments needs / 1977
Monongahela River Basin, West Virginia : supplemental information document : areawide environmental assessment for issuing new source NPDES permits for coal mines. 1981
Mountaintop mining/valley fills in Appalachia : draft programmatic environmental impact statement / 2003
Mountaintop mining/valley fills in Appalachia : final programmatic environmental impact statement / 2005
Mountaintop mining/valley fills in Appalachia draft programmatic environmental impact statement / {electronic resource} : 2003
Moving mountains : how one woman and her community won justice from big coal / 2007
New coal facilities overcoming the obstacles / 1996
NIOSH certified equipment, December 15, 1975. 1976
Noise in underground coal mines, 1971
Non-CO2 greenhouse gases - emissions and control from coal 2002
Nonpoint source pollution : agriculture, forestry, and mining : what is nonpoint source pollution? ... / 1980
Northern Great Plains ambient air monitoring network annual calibration report / 1975
Northern Great Plains Resource Program : report of the Work Group on Water. 1974
Northern Great Plains resources program socio-economic and cultural aspects work group discussion draft. 1974
Nuclear and coal waste disposal hampered by legal, regulatory, and technical uncertainties report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power, House Committee on Energy and Commerce / 1982
Our reclamation future : the missing bet on trees / 1978
Our Reclamation Future, the Missing Bet on Trees. 1978
Paleoenvironment of coal and its relation to drainage quality / 1977
Paleoenvironment of coal and its relation to drainage quality / 1977
Papers presented before the Fifth Symposium on Coal Mine Drainage Research : Coal and the Environment Technical Conference, October 22-23-24, 1974, Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center, Louisville, Kentucky. 1975
Passive treatment of coal mine drainage 1994
Pennsylvania abandoned mine reclamation plan under provisions of the Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (Title IV, PL 95-87). 1983
Pennsylvania's coal mining regulatory program. 1970
Phase 1, final report 1979
Physical properties of western coal waste materials 1977
Plundering Appalachia : the tragedy of mountaintop-removal coal mining / 2009
Pneumoconiosis in Appalachian bituminous coal miners / 1969
Policy on application of NEPA to new source coal mines : interim guidance. 1977
Pollution prevention opportunities in coal mining : helpful information from U.S. EPA Region III, Philadelphia, PA, October 1990 1990
Polymeric sealant used to stop shale degradation in coal mines 1977
Preimpoundment hydrologic conditions in the Swatara Creek (1981-84) and estimated postimpoundment water quality in and downstream from the planned Swatara State Park Reservoir, Lebanon and Schuylkill counties, Pennsylvania 1988
Preliminary report : coal production, mines, employment and ownership, by state and county, in the ORBES region, 1976 : baseline study of coal industry in the ORBES region / 1978
Premium fuels from coal refuse 1994
Procedures manual for assessing the socioeconomic impact of the construction and operation of coal utilization facilities in the Old West region 1974
Proceedings of the 1985 Conference on Coal Mine Subsidence in the Rocky Mountain Region : held in Colorado Springs, October 28, 29, & 30, 1985 / 1986
Proceedings of the second U.S.-Polish Symposium, Coal Surface Mining and Power Production in the Face of Environmental Protection Requirements : September 26-28, 1979, Castle Ksiaz, Poland / 1979
Proceedings, Symposium on Surface Mining Hydrology, Sed{i}mentology, and Reclamation, December 4-7, 1979 1979
Progress report on the ground-water, surface-water, and quality-of-water monitoring program, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona--1987 1987
Project summary : procedures for predictive analysis of selected hydrologic impacts of surface mining / 1983
Project XL : Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Coal Remining and Reclamation Project / 2000
Projections of economic development associated with coal-related activity in Montana 1974
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