Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 68
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Animals Laboratory)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A colour atlas of the anatomy of small laboratory animals / 1992
Alternatives to laboratory animals : ATLA. 1981
An ecological study of hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) / 1976
Anesthesia and analgesia in laboratory animals / 1997
Animal models for biomedical research. proceedings of a symposium / 1970
Animal models in toxicology 2007
Bibliography of the cat / 1976
Biology and medicine of rabbits and rodents 1989
Carcinogenicity the design, analysis, and interpretation of long-term animal studies / 1988
Case for animal experimentation an evolutionary and ethical perspective / 1986
Clinical chemistry of laboratory animals 1999
Clinical chemistry of laboratory animals 1989
Companion guide to Infectious diseases of mice and rats / 1991
CRC handbook of laboratory animal science / 1974
Definition of pain and distress and reporting requirements for laboratory animals : proceedings of the workshop held June 22, 2000 / 2000
Digestive system 1985
Drinking water health advisory for chlorpyrifos / 1991
Education and training in the care and use of laboratory animals : a guide for developing institutional programs / 1991
Erythrocytes of the rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys / 2016
Essentials for animal research : a primer for research personnel / 1990
Exposure chambers for research in animal inhalation : design, construction, operation, and performance / 1959
Fishes: guidelines for the breeding, care, and management of laboratory animals; a report. 1974
Flynn's parasites of laboratory animals. 2007
Good laboratory practice compliance inspection manual : for laboratories conducting health effects studies / 1985
Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals 1985
Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals / 1996
Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals / 2011
Handbook of laboratory animal science / 2003
Health advisory for 1,4- dithiane (final report) / 1992
Health advisory for dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) / 1992
Health advisory for diphenylamine / 1992
Health assessment of 1,3-butadiene. 2002
Health risk assessment of 1,3-butadiene. 1998
Husbandry of laboratory animals : proceedings of the Third International Symposium organized by the International Committee on Laboratory Animals / 1967
Hydrogen sulfide / 1978
IACUC handbook 2000
Immunodeficient rodents a guide to their immunobiology, husbandry, and use / 1989
In the name of science : issues in responsible animal experimentation / 1993
Infectious diseases of mice and rats 1991
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee guidebook. 2002
Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology. 1984
Laboratory hamsters 1987
Letter from Union Carbide Chemical and Plastic Company to USEPA containign Preliminary Lab Findings from Immune System Toxicology Study with Attachments. 1991
Maintaining fishes for experimental and instructional purposes / 1963
Marine invertebrates : laboratory animal management / 1981
Methods of behavioral analysis in neuroscience / 2009
Microbial and phenotypic definition of rats and mice : proceedings of the 1998 US/Japan Conference / 1999
Mouse genetics and transgenics : a practical approach / 2000
Nonhuman primates in biomedical research / 2012
Occupational health and safety in the care and use of nonhuman primates 2003
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