Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32

Select Item Title Year Published
At a Glance : EPA Oversight and Policy for High Priority Violations of Clean Air Act Need Improvement. 2009
Clean Air Act EPA should improve the management of its air toxics program : report to Congressional requesters. [electronic resource] : 2006
Comments of the American Petroleum Institute on the second external review draft of the revised air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides. 1981
Compliance status of major air pollution facilities. 1979
Effects of title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 on electric utilities : an update / 1997
EPA oversight and policy for high priority violations of Clean Air Act need improvement / 2009
EPA's California Waiver Decision on Greenhouse Gas Automobile Emissions Met Statutory Procedural Requirements. 2008
Example scope of work for contracts to prepare SIP revisions to attain and maintain NAAQS. 1976
Guidance for implementing the Clean Air Act section 176(c)(8) transportation control measure substitution and addition provision. 2009
Guidance for the implementation of accelerated retirement of vehicles programs / 1993
Guideline on exceptions to data requirements for determining attainment of particulate matter standards. 1987
Guidelines fo MACT determinations under 112(g) : proposal. 1994
Implications of the allowances and exemptions contained in Los Angeles county organic emission control rules and regulations / 1976
Inspection and maintenance : a guide for implementation / 1974
Inspection and maintenance : a guide for implementation / 1974
Lifetime emissions for clean-fuel fleet vehicles. 1993
Model state idling law / 2006
Ozone and carbon nonattainment comparison of the major House and Senate bills and the EPA proposed policy / 1988
Ozone/carbon monoxide nonattainment is it what it seems to be?/ 1988
Post-1987 Ozone/CO policy summary of public comments : support document / 1990
Public comment on the development of a national ambient air quality standard for lead. 1977
RACT enforceability aspects for pneumatic tire manufacturing / 1981
Requirements and procedures for implementing section 111(d). 1977
Response to Congressional Inquiry Concerning EPA's Preparation and Provision of Information Regarding California Waiver Decision. 2008
Revision of the national ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidants : staff summary paper. 1978
Second report to Congress on the status of the hazardous air pollutant program under the Clean Air Act. 1997
Stationary internal combustion engines : proposed regulation. 1979
Status report on hazardous pollutants : presented at a meeting of the National Air Pollution Control Techniques Advisory Committee, June 17, 1982. 1982
Summary of comments and responses on the September 1986 supplemental proposal to revise the guideline on air quality models. 1987
The case for the California waiver : hearing before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, May 22, 2007. 2011
Tomorrow's buses for today's children. 2003
What you should know about reducing diesel exhaust from school buses. 2003

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