Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radiochemistry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry. 1959
An introduction to radiation chemistry / 1976
Analytical chemistry of the Manhattan Project. 1950
Annual Report of the Eastern Environmental Radiation Laboratory. January-December 1970. 1971
Cross-referenced index of radio-chemical teaching experiments applicable to chemistry. 1961
Eastern environmental radiation facility : radiochemistry procedures manual / 1984
Environmental Surveillance Laboratory for Radionuclide Analyses. Part I. Establishment of an Environmental Surveillance Laboratory: A Case Study. Part II. Analysis of Large Numbers of Milk Samples for Fission Products. 1964
Final report of off-site surveillance / 1964
Handbook for analytical quality control in water and wastewater laboratories / 1979
Intermediate-field transport of contaminants multiple areal sources in fractured rock and point sources in porous rock / 1989
Manual for the certification of laboratories analyzing drinking water : criteria and procedures quality assurance / 1982
Manual for the certification of laboratories analyzing drinking water : criteria and procedures, quality assurance / 1992
Manual for the certification of laboratories analyzing drinking water : criteria and procedures, quality assurance. 1997
Manual for the interim certification of laboratories involved in analyzing public drinking water supplies : criteria and procedures / 1978
Methods of radiochemical analysis; report. 1959
Methods of radiochemical analysis; report. 1959
National Environmental/Energy Workforce Assessment. Post-Secondary Education Profile: Energy. 1978
Noble Gases. 1973
Nuclear and radiochemistry 1981
Nuclear and radiochemistry 1964
Nuclear environmental chemical analysis 1987
Ozone Generation in dc-Energized Electrostatic Precipitators. 1992
Preliminary milk report / 1975
Prescribed procedures for measurement of radioactivity in drinking water / 1980
Procedures for Determination of Stable Elements and Radionuclides in Environmental Samples. 1965
Quick methods for radiochemical analysis. 1969
Radiochemical analysis : activation analysis, instrumentation radiation techniques, and radio isotope techniques, July 1963 to June 1964 / 1964
Radiochemical analytical procedures for analysis of environmental samples / 1979
Radiochemical and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis Procedures for the Determination of Low Level Trace Elements in Human Livers. 1988
Radiochemical manual. 1966
Radionuclide Analysis of Large Numbers of Food and Water Samples. 1965
Radionuclide interactions with soil and rock media / 1978
Radionuclide Interactions with Soil and Rock Media. Volume 1: Processes Influencing Radionuclide Mobility and Retention, Element Chemistry and Geochemistry, Conclusions and Evaluation. 1978
Rapid radiochemical methods for selected radionuclides in water for environmental restoration following homeland security events. 2010
Regional laboratory certification program : analytical operations section. 1992
Regional Laboratory Certification Program, Analytical Operations Section 1992
Regional Laboratory Certification Program; US EPA Region VIII; Analytical Operations Section; Drinking Water 1994
Sixteenth Annual EPA Conference on Analysis of Pollutants in the Environment : May 5-6, 1993. 1994
Tentative reference method for measurement of tritium in environmental waters / 1975
The formation and decay of excited species / 1969
Thorium-230 Dating of Thermal Waters in the Vicinity of the Nevada Test Site. 1989
Tritium fractionation in plants / 1975

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