Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 805
Showing: Items 101 - 150

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Select Item Title Year Published
Black carp : biological synopsis and risk assessment of an introduced fish / 2005
Black pain : it just looks like we're not hurting : real talk for when there's nowhere to go but up / 2008
Blind testing of EPA NERL CRD-LV absorbed dose conversion algorithm for thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), 17-29 July, 1994. / 1995
Brain Cholinesterase Activity of Bobwhite Acutely Exposed to Chlorpyrifos. 1991
Breast Cancer in Women of African Descent [electronic resource] / 2006
Breasts : a natural and unnatural history / 2012
Building green / 1993
Cadmium 1981
CairPol CairClip NM-VOC Citizen Science Operating Procedure. 2015
CairPol CairClip O(sub 3)-NO(sub 2) Citizen Science Operating Procedure. 2015
Cape wind : money, celebrity, class, politics, and the battle for our energy future on Nantucket Sound / 2007
Carbon dioxide, climate, and society : proceedings of a IIASA workshop / 1978
Carbon monoxide exposure and human health / 1975
Carrying capacity of a nation : growth and the quality of life 1976
Case of the shrinking channels the North Platte and Platte Rivers in Nebraska / 1978
Cases and materials on Federal Indian law 1993
Catalog of Washington streams and salmon utilization. 1975
Cell Transformation Test Results on Chlorinated Paraffins. 1982
Cellular systems for toxicity testing / 1983
Chaos theory tamed 1997
Characteristics and growth of cattle feedlot operations in Oklahoma 1962
Characterization of biological reference material : in vivo incorporated toxic metals in water hyacinth tissues / 1983
Characterization of Coal Gasification By-Products and Ambient Air Samples from a Lurgi Gasification Facility by Selective Detector Gas Chromatography. 1982
Characterizing soils for hazardous waste site assessments / 1991
CHEMFLO : one-dimensional water and chemical movement in unsaturated soils / 1989
CHEMFLO : one-dimensional water and chemical movement in unsaturated soils / 1989
Chemical and Biological Characterization of Products of Incomplete Combustion from the Simulated Field Burning of Agricultural Plastic. 1989
Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Outdoor, Indoor, and Personal Particulate Air Samples Collected in and Around a Retirement Facility. 2000
Chemical character of surface waters of Virginia, 1932
Chemical characteristics of organic color in water 0
Chromium 1981
Chronology, Magnitude and Paleolimnological Record of Changing Metal Fluxes Related to Atmospheric Deposition of Acids and Metals in New England. 1983
Clarification and interpretation of the 1987 manual. 1992
Climate, soil and crop production in the humid tropics 1970
Coasts in crisis / 1990
Colorado wetland vegetation survey / 1997
Combined Use of Biochemical Indicators to Assess Sublethal Pollution Effects on the Gulf Killifish ('Fundulus grandis'). 1988
Combustion and gasification of coal 2000
Combustion theory : the fundamental theory of chemically reacting flow systems 1985
Command procedures for manipulating tape date files : a set of procedures developed for use with the COMNET ALPHA time sharing system / 1980
Common and scientific names of aquatic invertabrates from the United States and Canada : decapod crustaceans / 1989
Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada. Decapod crustaceans / 1989
Community Waterborne Gastroenteritis Outbreak: Evidence for Rotavirus as the Agent. 1984
Comparative Characterization of Organic Emissions from Diesel Particles, Coke Oven Mains, Roofing Tar Vapors and Cigarette Smoke Condensate. 1986
Comparative Immunosuppression of Various Glycol Ethers Orally Administered to Fisher 344 Rats. 1992
Comparative Toxicities of Different Forms of Asbestos in a Cell Culture Assay. 1980
Comparative Yields of Mutagens from Cigarette Smokers' Urine Obtained by Using Solid-Phase Extraction Techniques. 1989
Comparison of Breaking Strength and Shell Thickness as Evaluators of Eggshell Quality. 1988
Comparison of some new and old indices and measurements of trophic state / 1979
Comparisons of models predicting ambient lake phosphorus concentrations / 1979
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