Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 805
Showing: Items 151 - 200

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Select Item Title Year Published
Comparisons of models predicting ambient lake phosphorus concentrations / by 1978
Compilation of ground-water models / 1993
Complexation of radionuclides with naturally occurring organic compounds in groundwater project summary / 1993
Components contributing to light extinction in natural waters : method for isolation / 1976
Computer-readable databases : a directory and data sourcebook 1985
Conifer Reproductive Biology [electronic resource] / 2009
Conservation and common sense / 2002
Conservation and common sense / 1976
Constitutional analysis in a nutshell 2003
Construction in the coastal zone : a potential use of waste materials / 1975
Construction of a thermometric titrator / 1963
Contamination of deep water wells in southeastern Kansas. 1948
Continuous measurement of gas composition from stationary sources / 1975
Continuous measurement of total gas flowrate from stationary sources / 1975
Control Technology: 1992 Update of U.S. EPA's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Emerging Technology Program. 1992
Crabs (Arthropoda: Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). 1979
Creativity as an exact science : the theory of the solution of inventive problems 1984
Crop and Forest Losses Due to Current and Projected Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Ohio River Basin. 1982
Cutting Edge Speakers : air panel. 2017
DEARS (Detroit Exposure and Aerosol Research Study) Data Analysis Workshops: Summary of Findings and Discussions. 2011
Dehydrogenation: A Previously Unreported Pathway of Lindane Metabolism in Mammals. 1975
Dehydrogenation: A Previously Unreported Pathway of Lindane Metabolism in Mammals. 1975
Demonstrating benefits of wellhead protections programs 2004
Design alternatives for toxics baseline monitoring: Final Report/ 1983
Design and operation of the IGWMC model information database MARS (Model Annotation Search and Retrieval System) 1989
Design of masonry structures and foundations, 1922
Detection of Environmental Viruses in Sludge: Enhancement of Enterovirus Plaque Assay Titers with 5-Iodo-2'-Deoxyuridine and Comparison to Adenovirus and Coliphage Titers (Journal Version). 1988
Determination of particle size and concentration from photometer and Secchi disc measurements / 1968
Detoxication mechanisms; the metabolism and detoxication of drugs, toxic substances, and other organic compounds. 1959
Development and application of design and operation procedures for coagulation of dredged material slurry and containment area effluent 1978
Development and standardization of methods for analysis of biological tissues for PCBs. / 1984
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the plywood, hardboard and wood preserving segment of the timber products processing point source category / 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the wet storage, sawmills, particleboard and insulation board segment of the timber products processing point source category 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards and pretreatment standards for the timber products processing point source category. 1981
Development of isolated mammalian embryo techniques for toxic substance screening / 1979
Development of Source Testing, Analytical, and Mutagenicity Bioassay Procedures for Evaluating Emissions from Municipal and Hospital Waste Combustors. 1992
Development of Water Quality Models Using Spectral Analysis and Parameter Estimation Techniques. 1974
Developmental biology of freshwater invertebrates 1982
Developments at international conference on water pollution research (14th). : Held at Brighton, England on July 17-22, 1988. 1989
Diatom population changes in Lake George (NY) : OWRR contract 14-31-0001-3387 : final report / 1972
Differences between Rats and Mice in the Immunosuppressive Activity of 2-Methoxyethanol and 2-Methoxyacetic Acid. 1992
Differentiation and carcinogenesis in liver cell cultures / 1980
Dinoflagellates 1970
Directory to literature on stool-shed viruses and shellfish : illness outbreaks and virus detection methods : Project summary / 1992
Distribution and importance of phytoplankton in the Atchafalaya Basin / 1978
Distribution and Toxicological Effects of Inhaled Methyl Bromide in the Rat. 1988
Distribution of decapod Crustacea off Northeastern United States based on specimens at the Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts / 1977
Distribution of metals in lake sediments of the Adirondack region of New York State 1975
Distribution of phytoplankton in Alabama lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Arizona lakes / 1979
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