Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 4346
Showing: Items 1451 - 1500

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Select Item Title Year Published
European Union network for implementation and enforcement of environmental laws (EU/IMPEL) inspector exchange program (project R69-11) : IMPEL Exchange Program - Finland, Ministry of the Environment, Helsinki, Finland, June 23-27, 1997 / 1997
Eutrophication in coastal waters : nitrogen as a controlling factor / 1971
Eutrophication in coastal waters: nitrogen as a controlling factor / 1971
Evaluate and quantify sludge incinerator hydrocarbon emissions : project 91-ISP-1, 1993 / 1993
Evaluating commercially available destratification devices 1989
Evaluating individuals reporting sensitivities to multiple chemicals 1996
Evaluating Urban Core Usage of Waterways and Shorelines. 1971
Evaluation and collaborative study of method for visual determination of opacity from emissions from stationary sources / 1975
Evaluation and improvement of quick-turnaround methods / 1994
Evaluation of a diffusion model for photochemical smog simulation - final report / 1972
Evaluation of a FTIR mobile source measurement system / 1989
Evaluation of activated carbon for enhanced COD removal from pharmaceutical wastewater / 1986
Evaluation of activated carbon for enhanced COD removal from pharmaceutical wastewater / 1985
Evaluation of activated carbon for enhanced COD removal from pharmaceutical wastewater : Volume 2. Appendices / 1985
Evaluation of adopting the California mobile source control program in the eight northeast states / prepared for Northeast States for Coordinated Air use Management (NESCAUM) by Sierra Research, Inc., 1989
Evaluation of aircraft smoke standards for the criterion of invisibility / 1979
Evaluation of biological treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater with PAC addition / 1988
Evaluation of biological treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater with PAC addition / 1988
Evaluation of biological treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater with PAC addition {microform}, volume 2. Appendices / 1988
Evaluation of complex terrain air quality simulation models / 1984
Evaluation of composting implementation a literature review / 1990
Evaluation of constructed ponds as a means of replacing natural wetland habitat affected by highway projects in North Dakota 1981
Evaluation of constructed ponds as a means of replacing natural wetland habitat affected by highway projects in North Dakota phase II / 1986
Evaluation of control efficiency at different combustion chamber temperatures for regenerative thermal oxidizers installed on panel plant wood furnish dryers 2003
Evaluation of credit-generating emission sources for use in the emissions averaging compliance option under the wood products NESHAP 2003
Evaluation of data availability and examples of modeling for ground-water management on Cape Cod, Massachusetts 1975
Evaluation of dense gas simulation models / 1991
Evaluation of eight novel fine particle collection devices / 1976
Evaluation of granular bed filters for high-temperature/high-pressure particulate control / 1979
Evaluation of HC control strategies for general aviation piston engines / 1979
Evaluation of hydrocarbon emissons from petroleum liquid storage / 1978
Evaluation of insect defoliation in baldcypress and its relationship to flooding 1996
Evaluation of liner materials exposed to leachate : second interim report / 1976
Evaluation of liner materials exposed to leachate : second interim report / 1976
Evaluation of National Boiler Inventory / 1975
Evaluation of new in-facepiece sampling procedures for full and half facepieces : project summary / 1990
Evaluation of odor measurement techniques. Volume I, Animal rendering industry / 1974
Evaluation of Odor Measurement Techniques: Volume I. Animal Rendering Industry. 1974
Evaluation of Paul Bergsoe & Son secondary lead smelter / 1980
Evaluation of pest management programs for cotton, peanuts and tobacco in the United States / 1975
Evaluation of pesticides in ground water : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 189th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1985 / 1986
Evaluation of photovac 10S50 portable photoionization gas chromatograph for analysis of toxic organic pollutants in ambient air / 1987
Evaluation of restorative maintenance and catalyst replacement on exhaust emissions from eight very high mileage passenger cars in St. Louis / 1979
Evaluation of restorative maintenance on 1975/1976 light-duty vehicles in Detroit, Michigan / 1977
Evaluation of rural air quality simulation models / 1982
Evaluation of rural air quality simulation models. Appendix G, statistical tables for PPSP (Power Plant Siting Program) / 1982
Evaluation of sampling and field-filtration methods for the analysis of trace metals in ground water / 1994
Evaluation of solvent loss from vapor degreaser systems / 1981
Evaluation of solvent loss from vapor degreaser systems / 1981
Evaluation of solvent loss from vapor degreaser systems / 1981
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