Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 74
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lambou AND Victor AND W)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization of municipal waste combustion ash disposal practices and facilities: preliminary summary of seventy-two municipal waste combustion ash disposal facilities : by John E. Moerlins, J. Michael Kuperberg, Eugene B. Jones, Roy C. Herndon and Victor W. Lambou and Larry J. Eccles / 1988
Comparisons of models predicting ambient lake phosphorus concentrations / 1979
Comparisons of models predicting ambient lake phosphorus concentrations / by 1978
Components contributing to light extinction in natural waters : method for isolation / 1976
Descriptive water quality for the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana / 1980
Distribution and importance of phytoplankton in the Atchafalaya Basin / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Alabama lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Arizona lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Arkansas Lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in California lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Colorado lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Delaware lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Florida lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Georgia lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Idaho lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Illinois lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Indiana lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Iowa lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Kansas lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Kansas lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Kentucky lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Louisiana lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Louisiana lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Maryland lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Maryland Lakes. 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Mississippi lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Missouri lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Montana lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Nebraska lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Nevada lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in New Jersey lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in New Mexico lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in North Carolina lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in North Dakota lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Ohio lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Oklahoma lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Oregon lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in South Carolina lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in South Dakota lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Tennessee lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Texas lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Utah lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Virginia lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Washington lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in West Virginia lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Wyoming lakes / 1979
Estimating phytoplankton biomass and productivity : final report / 1981
Evaluation of water quality effects of the program to control the imported fire ant with mirex / 1970
Genera Hantzschia through Pteromonas collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Monitoring guidance for municipal-waste-comubstion-ash disposal: data on individual disposal facilities : J. Michael Kuperberg, Daniel W. Teaf, John E. Moerlins [and others] / 1990
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