Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
Showing: Items 1 - 49
Your Search: (AUTHOR=L AND Robinson)

Select Item Title Year Published
An ion-exchange process for recovery of chromate from pigment manufacturing / 1974
Assessment of the Hepatotoxicity of Acute and Short-Term Exposure to Inhaled p-Xylene in F-344 Rats. 1991
Cardiopathic Effect of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane after Subacute and Subchronic Exposure in Rats. 1991
Changes in the channel of the Lower Missouri River and effects on fish and wildlife 1974
Comparative Subchronic Toxicity Studies of Three Disinfectants. 1990
Descriptions of anisotropy and heterogeneity and their effect on ground-water flow and areas of contribution to public supply wells in a karst carbonate aquifer system / 1996
Development of a high-temperature/high-pressure electrostatic precipitator / 1977
Development of Impact-Oriented Climate Scenarios. 1991
Differential Hepatotoxicity and Cytochrome P450 Responses of Fischer-344 Rats to the Three Isomers of Dichlorobenzene. 1992
Differing Hepatotoxicity and Lethality After Subacute Trichloroethylene Exposure in Aqueous or Corn Oil Gavage Vehicles in B6C3F1 Mice. 1989
Distribution and Movement of Toxaphene in Anaerobic Saline Marsh Soils. 1978
Effect of Gavage Vehicle on Hepatotoxicity of Carbon Tetrachloride in CD-1 Mice: Corn Oil versus Tween-60 Aqueous Emulsion (Journal Version). 1986
Enhanced Mortality and Liver Damage in Virus-Infected Mice Exposed to p-Xylene. 1993
Environmental assessment of coal cleaning processes : first annual report; volume I. Executive summary / 1979
Environmental assessment of coal cleaning processes : first annual report; volume II. Detailed report / 1979
Environmental assessment of coal cleaning processes : second annual report / 1979
Environmental assessment of coal cleaning processes : technology overview / 1979
Environmental Assessment of Coal Cleaning Processes. 1982
Evaluation of MTF for Testing Hazardous Material Spill Control Equipment. 1974
Extreme weather, health, and communities : interdisciplinary engagement strategies / 2016
From a pasture to a silvopasture system. 2000
From pine forest to a silvopasture system 2000
Geology and ground-water resources of the Harney basin, Oregon 1939
History of public works in the United States, 1776-1976 1976
Inter-agency stream disturbance symposium : proceedings / 1968
Know Soil, Know Life / 2012
Measurement and Prediction of Single Droplet Trajectories in a Swirled Combustion System. 1986
Meteorology and atmospheric diffusion in the vicinity of the Humboldt Bay Power Plant / 1965
Multigeneration Study of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene in Rats. 1981
Nitrogen transport and transformations in Canagagigue Creek : final report project 19A, agricultural watershed studies / 1978
Principles and practice of chromatography, 1943
Radioactive waste discharges to the environment from nuclear power facilities / 1971
Scoping Analysis: Economic Impacts of Radiation Protection Standards for Metal Imports and Exports. 2000
Sewage sludge versus commercial methods for reclaiming strip-mine soils / 1984
Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater organisms / 1989
Silvopasture tree pruning / 2006
Size distributions of atmospheric lead aerosols : final report / 1964
Solid waste disposal study : technical report, Genesee County, Michigan, June 1968 / 1969
Strategies for the development of climate scenarios for impact assessment : phase I final report / 1990
Strategies for the Development of Climate Scenarios for Impact Assessment. Phase 1. 1990
Subacute and Subchronic Oral Toxicity of 'p'-Chlorotoluene in the Rat. 1990
Subacute and Subchronic Oral Toxicity of 1,3-Dichloropropane in the Rat. 1991
Subacute and Subchronic Toxicity of Ethylene Glycol Administered in Drinking Water to Sprague-Dawley Rats. 1990
Technical-Economic Study of Sewage Sludge Disposal on Dedicated Land. 1984
Temperature-Specific Inhibition of Human Red Cell Na(1+)/K(1+) ATPase by 2450-MHz Microwave Radiation. 1987
Ten- and Ninety-Day Toxicity Studies of 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Administered by Oral Gavage to Sprague-Dawley Rats. 1991
The environmental impact of coal transfer and terminal operations / 1980
Use of Coal Cleaning for Compliance with SO2 Emission Regulations. 1981
Validity of laboratory tests for predicting copper toxicity in streams / 1976

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