Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 280
Showing: Items 151 - 200

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Select Item Title Year Published
Evaluation of cotton dust control systems in the picking and garnetting areas of the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary 1978
Evaluation of occupational hazards from industrial radiation : a survey of selected states / 1976
Evaluation of occupational health hazard control technology for the foundry industry 1978
Evaluation of portable, direct-reading H2S meters 1976
Evaluation of portable, direct-reading sulfur dioxide meters 1974
Evaluation of two-way valves for resting level respiratory testing 1977
Guide for developing a training program for anhydrous ammonia workers. 1978
Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals 1978
Guidelines for the control of exposure to metalworking fluids 1978
Health and safety guide for the commercial roofing industry. 1978
Health consequences of smoking. 0
Human exposure to lead from motor vehicle emissions 1977
Human health and the environment : some research needs : report of the Second Task Force for Research Planning in Environmental Health Science. 1977
Industrial noise control manual 1978
Industrywide industrial hygiene study of ethylene dibromide 1978
Inside the cell : the new frontier of medical science / 1978
International Conference on Ultraviolet Carcinogenesis : a conference held in Warrenton, Virginia, March 21-23, 1977 / 1978
Irritant effects of industrial chemicals : formaldehyde / 1976
Journal of the National Cancer Institute JNCI. 1940
Measurement of rf power-absorption in biological specimens (10 to 100 MHz) 1977
Meeting today's challenges / 1978
Morbidity and mortality weekly report : MMWR / 1976
Mutagenic effects of environmental contaminants a workshop sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. March 29-31, 1971. 1971
National Conference on Research Animals in Medicine, January 28-30, 1972; {official program and abstracts}. 1972
National occupational hazard survey volume III, survey analysis and supplemental tables / 1977
National occupational hazard survey. 1974
Nationwide survey of the occupational safety and health workforce. 1978
NCI fact book / 1979
NIOSH manual of analytical methods 1974
NIOSH ocupational carcinogenesis program, first year report, July 1, 1975-September 30, 1976 1976
Occupational exposure during the manufacture and formulation of pesticides : criteria for a recommended standard. 1978
Occupational exposure to 1,1,2,2 tetrachloroethane. 1977
Occupational exposure to acetylene. 1976
Occupational exposure to alkanes (C5-C8). 1977
Occupational exposure to allyl chloride. 1977
Occupational exposure to antimony. 1979
Occupational exposure to asphalt fumes. 1977
Occupational exposure to benzoyl peroxide. 1977
Occupational exposure to benzyl chloride. 1978
Occupational exposure to beryllium. 1972
Occupational exposure to cadmium. 1977
Occupational exposure to carbon black. 1978
Occupational exposure to carbon disulfide. 1977
Occupational exposure to carbon monoxide : criteria for a recommended standard / 1972
Occupational exposure to chlorine : criteria for a recommended standard. 1976
Occupational exposure to chloroprene. 1977
Occupational exposure to coal tar products. 1977
Occupational exposure to coke oven emissions : criteria for a recommended standard. 1973
Occupational exposure to coke oven emissions. 1973
Occupational exposure to cresol. 1978
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