Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Aeration to Remove Volatile Organic Compounds from Ground Water. 1984
Aerial radiological survey of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and surrounding area, Livermore, California 1990
Alaskan industry experience in arctic sewage treatment / 1971
Algorithm for Mixing Problems in Water Systems. 1985
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume VI. Lawns, Ornamentals, Forest Lands. 1977
Analysis of the Economics of Water Supply in the Washington Metropolitan Area. 1980
Analysis of the Relationships among O3 Uptake, Conductance, and Photosynthesis in Needles of 'Pinus ponderosa'. 1993
Analytical Techniques for Polyelectrolytes in Wastewater: A Review. 1987
Asbestos Fiber Release during Change-Out of Filter Bags from HEPA-Filtered Vacuum Cleaners. 1991
Averting extinction : reconstructing endangered species recovery / 1997
Bench and Pilot Scale Process Evaluation of Reburning for In-Furnace NOx Reduction. 1986
Bench-scale process evaluation of reburning and sorbent injection for in-furnace NOx/SOx reduction / 1985
Bench-Scale Process Evaluation of Reburning and Sorbent Injection for In-Furnace NOx/SOx Reduction. 1985
Biological Effects of Effluent from a Desalination Plant at Key West, Florida. 1970
Biological Health Risks Associated with the Composting of Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge. 1984
Biological Risks Associated with the Composting of Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge. 1983
Boiler Design Criteria for Dry Sorbent SO2 Control with Low-NOx Burners. 1986
Characterization of Chromium-Contaminated Soils Using Field-Portable X-ray Fluorescence. 1994
Color Removal from Pulp Mill Bleachery Waste. 1967
Comparison of Laboratory Toxicity Test Results with Responses of Estuarine Animals Exposed to Fenthion in the Field. 1987
Comparison of procedures for sampling the belowground biomass in shortgrass prairie / 1974
Copyright : intellectual property in the information age 1980
Cost and Performance of GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) for Trihalomethane Control. 1987
DBP Control in Drinking Water: Cost and Performance. 1994
Decision support system for drinking water research using microcomputers and mainframes / 1988
Decision Support System for Drinking Water Research Using Microcomputers and Mainframes. 1987
Demonstration and Pilot-Scale Testing of Furnace Sorbent Injection for S02 Control on Tangentially Coal-Fired Boilers. 1988
Demonstration of sorbent injection technology on a tangentially coal-fired utility boiler (Yorktown LIMB demonstration) : project summary / 1994
Demonstration of sorbent injection technology on a tangentially coal-fired utility boiler (Yorktown LIMB demonstration) : project summary / 1994
Designing and conducting mixed methods research / 2011
Development of Toxic Screening Models for Surface Water Supplies. 1984
Development, Application, and Calibration of Models for Predicting Water Quality in Distribution Systems. 1988
Differences in Inflammatory Responses to Exposures of Concentrated Ambient Particles in Susceptible Volunteers. 2010
Distribution System Reliability Analysis Using a Microcomputer. 1986
Distribution, Speciation, and Transformation of Chromium in Contaminated Soils and Aquifer Sediments. 1992
Drinking Water from Agriculturally Contaminated Groundwater. 1991
Drinking Water Research Division's Research Activities in Support of EPA's Regulatory Agenda. 1991
Effect of Aggregation on 'Vibrio cholerae' Inactivation. 1994
Effects of Aerial Thermal Fog Applications of Fenthion on Caged Pink Shrimp, Mysids and Sheepshead Minnows. 1987
Effects of Drilling Fluids on 'Thalassia testudinum' and Its Epiphytic Algae. 1986
Effects of Ground ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) Applications of Fenthion on Estuarine Biota. 1. Study Design and Implementation. 1985
Effects of pH, Solid/Solution Ratio, Ionic Strength, and Organic Acids on Pb and Cd Sorption on Kaolinite. 1991
Endangered species recovery : finding the lessons, improving the process / 1994
Environmental policy and NEPA : past, present, and future / 1997
EPA's Research Program in Granular Activated Carbon. 1989
Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Cover Designs. 1986
Evaluation of the health risks associated with the treatment and disposal of municipal wastewater and sludge / 1981
Experiments in Green and Sustainable Chemistry / 2009
Facilitated transport of inorganic contaminants in ground water. Part II, Colloidal transport / 1991
Field and Laboratory Toxicity Tests with Shrimp, Mysids, and Sheepshead Minnows Exposed to Fenthion. 1986
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