Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 962
Showing: Items 51 - 100

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Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis and Abatement of Highway Construction Noise. 1981
Analysis of FP Air Tracer MAterials. 1965
Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in particulate matter by luminescense techniques / 1984
Analysis of vermiculite substitutes 1979
Analytical and sampling quality assurance technical support : fiscal year 1987 / 1988
Animal investigation program 1974 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1976 annual report / 1978
Anion exchange method for the determination of plutonium in water : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1978
Anion exchange method for the determination of plutonium in water : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1978
Application of a water quality assessment modeling system at a superfund site / 1991
Application of expert systems technology in water quality modeling, 1989
Applied multivariate statistics in geohydrology and related sciences 1998
Approaches to environmental geology / 1974
Approaches to Identify Exceedances of Water Quality Thresholds Associated with Ocean Conditions. 2010
Aquaculture for veterinarians : fish husbandry and medicine / 1993
Aquatic biology of the San Joaquin-Tulare basins, California : analysis of available data through 1992 / 1996
Aquatic dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States / 1972
Aquatic dryopoid beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States / 1976
Arc-Continent Collision [electronic resource] / 2011
Archaebacterial RNA Polymerase Binding Site and Transcription Initiation of the hisA Gene in 'Methanococcus vannielii'. 1988
Archaeological Monitoring of the International Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Outfall Trench. San Diego County, California. 1994
Arizona wetlands and waterfowl / 1985
Artificial ground-water recharge as a water-management technique on the Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico 1978
Artificial recharge to a freshwater-sensitive brackish-water sand aquifer, Norfolk, Virginia 1977
Artificial-recharge experiments and operations on the southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico / 1973
Asbestos/rock quarries : mineralogical analysis of crushed stone samples / 1979
Aspects of Liquid and Vapor Flow in Retorted Oil Shale. 1987
Assemblages of fishes and their associations with environmental variables, lower San Joaquin River drainage, California / 1998
Assess : a quality assessment program. 1990
Assessing the Performance of Full-Scale Environmental Chambers Using an Independently Measured Emission Source. 1999
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices in the metal smelting and refining industry / 1977
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices in the Metal Smelting and Refining Industry. Volume II. Primary and Secondary Nonferrous Smelting and Refining. 1977
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices in the Metal Smelting and Refining Industry. Volume III. Ferrous Smelting and Refining. 1977
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices in the Metal Smelting and Refining Industry. Volume IV. Appendices. 1977
Assessment of techniques for detoxification of selected hazardous materials / 1977
Attenuation of naturally-occurring arsenic at petroleum impacted sites / 2011
Baldrige award winning quality how to interpret the Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria / 1993
Basis for educational recommendations on reducing childhood lead exposure / 2000
Beautiful swimmers revisited / 2016
Bed topography inferred from airborne radio-echo sounding of Columbia Glacier, Alaska 1986
Bench scale fixation of soils from the Tacoma Tar Pits Superfund site : final report / 1989
Beneficial co-utilization of agricultural, municipal, and industrial by-products / 1998
Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and their relations with environmental variables in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River drainages, California, 1993-1997 / 2000
Bergey's ManualĀ® of Systematic Bacteriology Volume Four The Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Tenericutes (Mollicutes), Acidobacteria, Fibrobacteres, Fusobacteria, Dictyoglomi, Gemmatimonadetes, Lentisphaerae, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae, and Planctomycetes / [electronic resource] : 2010
Beyond Malthus : sixteen dimensions of the population problem / 1998
Bibliography of aquatic ecosystem effects, analytical methods and treatment technologies for organic compounds in advanced fossil-fuel processing effluents / 1980
Bibliography of Bureau of Mines health and safety publications, January 1947-June 1955, 1956
Bioavailability of sediment-bound contaminants to marine organisms / 1993
Biochemical Effects of DDT and DDE in Rat and Mouse Liver (Journal Version). 1988
Biochemical Effects of Three Carcinogenic Chlorinated Methances in Rat Liver. 1989
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