Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1759
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=wetlands)

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Select Item Title Year Published
15-meter LANDSAT analyses of the Mississippi River : map series from headwaters to the gulf of Mexico / 2003
2001 Coastal Illicit Connection Identification and Elimination Grant Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Report. 2003
2008 New Hampshire Estuaries Project: Prime Wetland Designation Activities: 2005-2008. 2008
2012 highlights of progress : responses to climate change by the National Water Program / 2013
70 percent analysis of design concept data, Jordanelle Wetland mitigation design, Heber City, Utah 1991
A citizen's guide to wetland restoration : approaches to restoring vegetation communities and wildlife habitat structure in freshwater wetland systems / 1994
A citizen's handbook for wetland protection in the Rocky Mountain and Northern Great Plains regions / 1989
A comprehensive review of wetland assessment procedures : a guide for wetland practitioners / 1999
A comprehensive wetland assessment, monitoring and mapping strategy for Minnesota / 2006
A field guide to Kentucky lakes and wetlands. 1986
A field guide to the identification of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) in the Arid West region of the western United States : a delineation manual / 2008
A functional assessment of selected wetlands within the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska / 1989
A guide to planting seagrasses in the Gulf of Mexico. 1993
A guide to the dredge or fill permit program. 1979
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1985. 1984
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1986. 1985
A guidebook for application of hydrogeomorphic assessments to riverine wetlands / 1995
A handbook of constructed wetlands : a guide to creating wetlands for--agricultural wastewater, domestic wastewater, coal mine drainage, stormwater in the Mid-Atlantic Region. 1995
A management scheme for Devils Lake basin wetlands : research project technical completion report / 1981
A method for wetland functional assessment. 1983
A method of assessing cumulative impacts on wetland functions at the catchment or landscape scale : report to the Water Research Commission / 2010
A natural history of quiet waters : swamps and wetlands of the mid-Atlantic coast / 2007
A Natural system for wastewater reclamation and resource enhancement : Arcata, California. 1993
A Phase I inventory of current EPA efforts to protect ecosystems / 1995
A Process for regional assessment of wetland risk : Summary Report / 1992
A quantitative basis for landscape-level management of prairie pothole wetlands : a proposed framework, methods, and study plan for analysis / 1996
A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of Flats Wetlands in the Everglades / 2002
A Review of ecological assessment case studies from a risk assessment perspective : volume II. 1994
A summary of NHEERL ecological research on global climate change / 2007
A summary of protecting America's wetlands : a fair, flexible, and effective approach. 1993
A synoptic approach to cumulative impact assessment : a proposed methodology / 1992
A system for mapping riparian areas in the western United States / 1998
A world in our backyard : a wetlands education and stewardship program / 1993
A world in our backyard : a wetlands education and stewardship program / 1995
A world in our backyard : a wetlands educational and stewardship program / 1992
Abandoned mine drainage education 2000
Adapting watershed tools to protect wetlands : wetlands & watersheds article #3 / 2005
Adapting Watershed Tools to Protect Wetlands. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 3. 2005
Adopt a wetland. 1990
Aerial photography and ground verification at power plant sites : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1985
Aerial photography and ground verification at power plant sites : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1985
After the storm : restoring America's Gulf Coast wetlands : a special report of the National wetlands newsletter / 2006
Agricultural activities and the federal §404 wetland protection program / 1991
Agriculture and wetlands : a compilation of factsheets / 1992
Air quality criteria for oxides of nitrogen. Volume 2. / 1991
Alaska North Slope Oil-Field Restoration Research Strategy. 1992
Alaska wetlands & hydrography : final report of the Alaska Wetlands GATF Project / 1997
Alaska wetlands initiative. 1995
Alaska--regional wetland functions : proceedings of a workshop held at Anchorage, Alaska, May 28-29, 1986 / 1987
Algae and element cycling in wetlands / 1995
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