Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=water conservation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1975 national water assessment state regional future Texas gulf region. [review copy]. 1975
A balanced approach to water conservation in utility planning / 2012
A case study of soil and water conservation districts in action, promoting conservation / 1990
A conference on river protection and water use : setting the conservation agenda for the '90s, June 20-23, 1991, Sheraton Denver Tech Center, Denver, Colorado. 1991
A day in the life of a drop : worksheet # 1. 2008
A day in the life of a drop : worksheet # 2. 2008
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A description and critique of soil and water conservation programs in Washington County, Wisconsin / 1982
A guide to customer incentives for water conservation / 1994
A homeowner's guide to septic systems. 2002
A pilot water conservation program. 1978
A Strategy for Planned Water Conservation Programming within the Denver Water Department Service Area ('84 and Beyond) 1984
A study of flow reduction and treatment of waste water from households / 1969
Abstracts of Technical Papers and Poster Presentations, Water Reuse Symposium Held at Washington, DC. on March 25-30, 1979. 1979
Achieving urban water conservation : a handbook 1977
Achieving urban water conservation : testing community acceptance 1977
Activities report of the Basic and Applied Sciences Branch Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control. 1963
Affluent Effluent: New Choices in Wastewater Treatment. 1983
After the storm / 2004
After the storm : a citizen's guide to understanding stormwater. 2003
Agricultural drought guidebook 1988
Agricultural water conservation in California, with emphasis on the San Joaquin Valley / 1982
Alignment of Michigan content expectations for curriculum with the Project WET curriculum and activity guide / 2010
Alternative Is Conservation: A Companion Guide. 1980
An appraisal of potential water salvage in the Lake McMillan delta area, Eddy County, New Mexico / 1974
Analysis and Evaluation of Denver's Water Conservation Program (Final Draft Report) 1990
Analysis and Evaluation of Denver's Water Conservation Program, Part II, Final Draft Report; Executive Summary 1990
Analysis of the Economics of Water Supply in the Washington Metropolitan Area. 1980
Annotated Catalog of Research on Water and Related Land Resources in Alabama. 1969
Annotated Outline of a Water-Resources Development Plan for Alabama. 1971
Annual Report on Public Water System Violations Vermont Water Supply Division, January 1, 2003-December 31, 2003. 2004
Applied fields for energy conservation, water treatment, and industrial applications : final report 1986
Arroyo Colorado Agricultural Nonpoint Source Assessment. 2012
Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Management. 1970
Assessing national water quality education needs for the nonformal youth audience 1992
Assessment and recommendations for community water resources planning 1980
Assessment of Potential Environmental Problems Concerning Water Availability. 1983
At a Glance : EPA's Voluntary WaterSense Program Demonstrated Success. 2017
Attachment to final environmental impact statement, Upper Eagle and Vail wastewater facilities plan / 1977
Balancing water demands with supplies : the role of management in a world of increasing scarcity / 1993
Be water wise : water conservation, it's up to you / 1974
Becoming a WAVE partner. 1994
Benefits of water efficiency go beyond your bottom line. 1999
Better water management and conservation possible--but constraints need to be overcome : report / 1978
Bibliography of Water Resources of the Hawaiian Islands. 1971
Blue Planet Run : the race to provide safe drinking water to the world / 2007
California water 1995
California water 2030 : an efficient future : a report of the Pacific Institute, Oakland / 2005
California water : looking to the future. 1987
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