Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=urban runoff)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"First Flush," power law and particle separation diagrams for urban storm-water suspended particulates / 2003
1976 needs survey : Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities, summaries of technical data (Categories I-IV). 1977
1978 needs survey : continuous stormwater pollution simulation survey, users manual. 1979
1978-1983 work plan for the nationwide urban runoff program. 1978
A Current assessment of urban best management practices : techniques for reducing non-point source pollution in the coastal zone / 1992
A Pilot performance analysis of selected components of the National Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program / 2003
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
A statistical method for assessment of urban stormwater : loads, impacts, controls / 1979
A watershed approach to urban runoff : handbook for decisionmakers / 1996
Abstracts for urban stormwater and combined sewer overflow impact on receiving water bodies : November 26-28, 1979. 1979
Accumulation, washoff, and size distributions of stormwater particulates / 1996
Addendum to the 1982 needs survey : cost estimates for control of combined sewer discharge to marine bays and estuaries / 1983
Advances in urban wet weather pollution reduction : June 28-July 1, 1998, Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, USA / 1998
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL : Part II. Nitrogen available in Lake Ontario tributary water samples and urban runoff from Madison, Wisconsin / 1977
Alternative wastewater treatment for individual lots : part two of a series about onsite wastewater treatment alternatives. 2005
Analysis of colloidal phases in urban stormwater runoff / 1999
Analysis of Treatment System Performance: International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database (1999-2008). 2008
Analysis of wetland trends and management alternatives for Georgia 1985
Annotated bibliography of environmental indicators : to assess the effectiveness of municipal and industrial stormwater control programs / 1995
Annual monitoring report, FY 1994-95 / 1996
Application of the frequency-equivalent non-linear hydrograph method of flood frequency analysis in urban basins : a research project conducted by the Kansas Water Resources Research Institute at the University of Kansas / 1978
Applied modeling of urban water systems. Volume 8 / 2000
Assessment of efficient sampling designs for urban stormwater monitoring / 2002
Assessment of Mathematical Models for Storm and Combined Sewer Management. Appendix F: Selected Computer Input and Output. 1976
Assessment of vortex solids separators for the control and treatment of wet-weather flow. 1996
At Disneyland, an NPDES compliance solution is heaven-sent / 1996
Bellevue experience a case study of the development of a storm and surface water drainage utility in Bellevue, Washington. A study of social, political and environmental action. 1976
Benzothiazolamines as tire-derived molecular markers : sorptive behavior in street runoff and application to source apportioning / 2002
Best management practice guidebook for urban development 1992
Bibliography of Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control R and D Program Documents (Revised). 1995
Bibliography of Urban Wet Weather Flow Control R and D Program Documents. 1999
Brake pad partnership : designing for clean water : the brake pads partnership project, project summary and update : interim phase 2 report (1996-1997) / 1997
Brake pad partnership : designing for clean water, phase 1 report / 1996
Brucewood urban test catchment / 1980
Building better II a guide to America's best new development projects : clean water edition. {electronic resource} : 2005
Caltrans statewide stormwater runoff characterization study : monitoring season 2000-2001 / 2001
Caltrans statewide stormwater runoff characterization study : monitoring season 2001-2002 / 2002
Castro Valley water quality modeling : calibration & verification / 1996
Castro Valley water quality modeling : development and application of Alameda-SWMM / 1999
Changing the course of California's water : the impact of polluted runoff on our aquatic resources and responsible actions we can take / 1995
Characterisation of pollution in urban stormwater runoff / 1981
Characteristics and treatability of urban runoff residuals / 1983
Characteristics of nonpoint source urban runoff and its effects on stream ecosystems / 1980
Characteristics of parking lot runoff produced by simulated rainfall / 2001
Characterization of stormwater discharges from Guanajibo Industrial Park, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 1997-98 1999
Characterization of stormwater discharges from Las Flores Industrial Park, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, 1998-99 2001
Characterization of stormwater toxicants from an urban watershed to freshwater and marine organisms / 2000
Characterization of urban runoff 1976
Characterizing and controlling urban runoff through street and sewerage cleaning / 1985
Characterizing and controlling urban runoff through street and sewerage cleaning / 1985
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