Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=timber)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1997 Revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan, Plan Appendices, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
1997 Revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan, Record of Decision, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
America's vanishing rain forest : a report on federal timber management in southeast Alaska : executive summary. 1986
America's vanishing rain forest : a report on federal timber management in southeast Alaska. 1986
Analysis of the timber situation in the United States, 1989-2040 1991
Ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest 1990
Assessment of Forest Sensitivity to Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition in Maine. Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Forest Mapping Group. 2006
Baylor Park Blowdown Draft Environmental Impact Statement, White River National Forest 2000
Baylor Park Blowdown; Final Environmental Impact Statement 2001
Biology of silvopastoralism 1997
Biomass estimates for five western states 1990
Biomass inventory and disposal costs on agricultural lands in Alaska : final report / 1987
Breckenridge Ski Resort Environmental Assessment Peaks 7 And 9 Facilities Improvements Plan 1998
Comparison of Two Methods to Assess the Carbon Budget of Forest Biomes in the Former Soviet Union. 1993
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the wet storage, sawmills, particleboard and insulation board segment of the timber products processing point source category 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the wet storage, sawmills, particleboard and insulation board segment of the timber products processing point source category. 1974
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the timber products processing point source category. 1979
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Sheepherder Hill Salvage Sale 1997
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Wasatch-Cache National Forest, and Appendices 2001
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland 1996
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland 1996
Draft Illinois Creek Timber Sale Environmental Impact Statement Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests 1993
Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to the South Spruce Ecosystem Rehabilitation Project, Rendezvous Vegetation Management Project 2000
Economic analysis of pretreatment standards for the wood preserving subcategories of the timber processing point source category. 1976
Effect of Timber Management on Stream Water Quality 1991
Effectiveness of Washington's forest practice riparian management zone regulations for protection of stream temperature / 1992
EIA guidelines for pulp and paper and timber products : Environmental impact assessment guidelines for new source NPDES permits. 1994
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project : profile of the lumber and wood products industry. 1995
Evaluation of Historical Sediment Deposition Related to Land Use through Analysis of Lake Sediments 1991
Evaluation of the Impact of Discriminatory Taxation on the Use of Primary and Secondary Raw Materials. 1975
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Pacer Timber Sale (including Record of Decision) 1994
Final Environmental Impact Statement for Trout Mountain 1993
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendices B-M and P-Q, Volume 3 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix A - Response to Comment, Volume 2 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix N - Biological Evaluation, Volume 4 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement, FEIS Appendices, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Summary, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan, 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Supplement to the Sheep Flats Diversity Unit Timber Sales, Final Environmental Impact Statement 2002
Flood plain information on main stem & south branch Big Timber Creek in Camden and Gloucester Counties, New Jersey / 1969
Flood plain information on North Branch Big Timber Creek in Camden County, New Jersey 1969
Forest Ecosystem Management: An Ecological, Economic, and Social Assessment. Report of the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team. 1993
Forest killers : the destruction of the American wilderness / 1975
Forest Management in Russia: Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Perestroika. 1992
Forest resources of the United States, 2002 / 2004
Forest resources of the United States, 2007 / 2009
Forest Service Roadless Area Conservation, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volumes 1 - 4 2000
Forest statistics for Connecticut, 1972 and 1985 / 1988
Forest statistics for Maine, 1971 and 1982 / 1984
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