Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Chesapeake Bay directory / 1978
ALM experts. Mid-Atlantic directory. 2005
Am I making myself clear? : a scientist's guide to talking to the public / 2009
American men & women of science : a biographical directory of today's leaders in physical, biological, and related sciences. 2003
An examination of the moral dilemmas of university scientists participating in the preparation of environmental impact statements. 1977
Attrition of scientists and engineers at seven agencies : report to the Honorable Albert Gore, Jr., House of Representatives / 1984
Attrition of scientists at three regulatory agencies report / 1982
Behavioral and Morphological Changes, in Fathead Minnow 'Pimephales promelas' as Diagnostic Endpoints for Screening Chemicals According to Mode of Action. 1985
Best resumes for scientists and engineers / 1993
Black contributors to science and energy technology. 1979
Black scientists of America / 1990
Blazing the trail : essays by leading women in science / 2013
Broadening participation in America's science and engineering workforce : the 1994-2003 decennial & 2004 biennial reports to Congress / 2004
Bulletin 0
Career Choices. 1975
Career renewal : tools for scientists and technical professionals / 1998
Careers in science. 1992
Characterizataion and Control of Fine Particles: Overview of NRMRL Research Activities. 2000
Conversion from RT-11 to Micro-RSX for Real-Time Data Collection and Analysis. 1986
Curriculum vitae of scientists to participate in the U.S. IBP grassland Biome studies proposed for 1972 and 1973 / 1971
Directory of expert witnesses and consultants for the Southeastern United States. 1995
Directory of North American fisheries scientists 1984
Directory of Water Resources Research Faculty at University of Minnesota and State and Private Colleges in Minnesota. 1973
Door in the dream : conversations with eminent women in science / 2000
Drive and curiosity : what fuels the passion for science / 2011
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) : Great Lakes monitoring and research strategy / 1992
Environmental Protection Agency ground-water research : technical assistance directory / 1989
Environmental Protection Agency ground-water research : technical assistance directory / 1991
Expert witnessing : explaining and understanding science / 1999
Exploring the Environmental Effects of Shale Gas Development in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Workshop Report on April 11-12, 2012 at State College, PA. 2013
Exponet: The International Total Human Exposure Assessment Network. 2100 Members, June 1990. 1990
Extraordinary women in science & medicine : four centuries of achievement / 2013
Federal and state listing of fishery offices. 1992
Federal Personnel Management Handbook for Librarians, Information Specialists and Technicians. 1976
Final supplemental environmental impact statement for the United States Antarctic Program. 1991
Forecasting demand and supply of doctoral scientists and engineers : report of a workshop on methodology / 2000
Forensic science under siege : the challenges of forensic laboratories and the medico-legal death investigation system / 2007
Forgotten genius / 2007
From scarcity to visibility : gender differences in the careers of doctoral scientists and engineers / 2001
From science to business : preparing female scientists and engineers for successful transitions into entrepreneurship : summary of a workshop / 2012
Geostatistics for environmental scientists / 2001
Globalization of science and engineering research : a companion to science and engineering indicators / 2010
Government and university oil shale telephone directory. 1980
Government and university oil shale telephone directory. 1980
Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable : Pan-organizational summit on the U.S. science and engineering workforce (November 11-12, 2002) 2002
Ground Water and Soil Contamination Remediation: Toward Compatible Science, Policy, and Public Perception. Report on a Colloquium Sponsored by the Water Science and Technology Board, Colloquium 5 of a Series. 1990
Hand up women mentoring women in science / 1993
Headstrong : 52 women who changed science-- and the world / 2015
Impact analysis of sponsored projects to increase the participation of women in careers in science and technology. Abbreviated version with selected appendices 1977
Improbable warriors : women scientists and the U.S. Navy in World War II / 2001
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