Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=saline waters)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Arkansas-Red River basins water quality conservation : appendix. 1964
Arkansas-Red River basins water quality conservation : summary report on a basic study of water quality, sources of natural and manmade salt pollution, and suggested corrective measures. 1964
Arkansas-Red River basins water quality conservation. 1964
Best management practices for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1978
Brine Contamination of Louisiana Aquifers / 1987
Colorado River Basin water problems : how to reduce their impact : report to the Congress / 1979
Colorado River water quality improvement program status report. 1983
Controlling salinity in the Colorado River Basin 1989
Cyclic storage of fresh water in saline aquifers / 1975
Desalination research and the water problem report of the Desalination Research Conference, convened by the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. 1962
Design and construction of a saltwater environment simulator / 1970
Design and construction of a saltwater environment simulator / 1970
Development of procedures to evaluate salinity management strategies in irrigation return flows 1980
Discharge of saltwater from Permian rocks to major stream-aquifer systems in central Kansas 1981
Distribution of salinity in ground water from the interpretation of borehole-geophysical logs and salinity data, Calf Pasture Point, Davisville, Rhode Island / 1999
Effects of chlorinated seawater on decapod crustaceans and Mulinia larvae / 1979
Effects of chlorinated seawater on decapod crustaceans and Mulinia larvae / 1979
Evaluation of canal lining for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1972
Final Report: Deep Well Injection of Brine, Paradox Valley Unit 1982
Fresh water from the sea; 1965
Freshwater resources and saline water near the Sac and Fox Nation tribal lands, eastern Lincoln County, Oklahoma. [electronic resource] 1998
Geohydrology of the Wellington-alluvial aquifer system and evaluation of possible locations of relief wells to decrease saline ground-water discharge to the Smoky Hill and Solomon Rivers, central Kansas 1986
Geology and occurrence of fresh and brackish ground water in Glynn County, Georgia / 1965
Geomorphic and lithologic controls of diffuse-source salinity, Grand Valley, Western Colorado / 1982
Geothermal wastes and the water resources of the Salton Sea Area. 1970
Ground water basin protection projects: Santa Ana Gap salinity barrier, Orange County. 1966
Ground water pollution: saline ground water citations from the NTIS data base : search period covered 1964-January 1980. 1980
Ground-water conditions in the Baton Rouge area : 1954-59 ; with special reference to increased pumpage / 1961
Guidance for identification and evaluation of the nature and extent of pollution from salt water intrusion. 1980
Hydrochemical characterization of saline aquifers of the Texas Gulf Coast used for disposal of industrial waste / 1986
Hydrogeologic framework and geochemistry of the Edwards Aquifer saline-water zone, south-central Texas / 1997
Hydrologic- and salt-balance investigations utilizing digital models : lower San Luis Rey area, San Diego County, California / 1974
Identification of sources of ground-water salinization using geochemical techniques / 1991
Impact of oil and gas production on salinity in major fresh water aquifers in Texas 1978
Industrial water softener waste brine reclamation / 1974
Intrusion of salt water into ground water basins of southern Alameda County. 1960
Minimizing salt in return flow through irrigation management / 1982
Minimizing salt in return flow through irrigation management : final report / 1981
Natural salinity of the Colorado River 1975
Nebraska's sandhills lakes 1977
Physicochemical factors affecting toxicity : pH, salinity and temperature. Part I, Literature review / 1989
Prediction modeling for salinity control in irrigation return flows : a state-of-the-art review / 1973
Prediction of mineral quality of irrigation return flow / 1977
Preliminary survey of the saline-water resources of the United States / 1957
Proceedings, first national symposium on food processing wastes, April 6-8, 1970, Portland, Oregon / 1970
Reconditioning of food processing brines / 1971
Removal of saline water from aquifers, 1968
Reutilization of wastewater recycled through ground water / 1968
Saline contamination of soil and water on Pawnee tribal trust land, eastern Payne County, Oklahoma 2001
Saline ground water in Louisiana 1968
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