Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=railroads)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1973 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1976
A comparison of unit train and slurry pipeline transportation of coal / 1977
A Listing of Proposed, Planned or Under Construction Energy Projects in Fedearl Region VIII, a Joint Report 1975
Ad Hoc International Meeting of Regulatory Officials on Alignment of Noise Test Procedures Held at Washington, DC., on December 9-12, 1980. 1981
Advanced propulsion systems and alternative fuels for non-highway transportation 1985
Aerial photographic analysis of Southern Pacific Transportation Company study areas : San Francisco Bay Area, California / 1985
Aerodynamics of transportation : presented at the Joint ASME-CSME Applied Mechanics, Fluids Engineering, and Bioengineering Conference, Niagara Falls, New York, June 18-20, 1979 1979
Air quality impacts of intercity freight Volume II, Appendices / 1997
Alternative funding and financing mechanisms for passenger and freight rail projects / 2015
Anatomy of a crisis / 1983
Area source emission inventory for York County, South Carolina : final report / 1978
Assessment of railroad fuel use and emissions for the regional air pollution study / 1977
Atlanta and Saint Andrews Bay train derailment, Youngstown, Florida. 1980
Back on track : the global rail revival / 1994
Background document : environmental explanation for proposed interstate rail carrier noise emission regulations. 1974
Background document : environmental explanation for proposed interstate rail carrier noise emission regulations. 1974
Background document for final interstate rail carrier noise emission regulation : source standards. 1980
Background document for proposed revision to rail carrier noise emission regulation. 1979
Background document for railroad noise emissions standards / 1975
Coal movement by railroads: 1974. 1976
Community awareness emergency planning guide / 2008
Comparison of passenger rail energy consumption with competing modes / 2015
Cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the transportation equipment cleaning industry point source category. 1998
Determination of Harmful Quantities and Rates of Penalty for Hazardous Substances. Volume IV. Comparative Analysis. 1975
Developing multi-state institutions to implement intercity passenger rail programs / 2016
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the transportation equipment cleaning point source category. 1998
Development of the 1975 Area Source Inventory for the State of Illinois. 1976
Dismantling railroad freight cars; a study of improved methods with application to other demolition problems / 1969
Dismantling railroad freight cars; a study of improved methods with application to other demolition problems, 1969
Draft environmental impact statement for the proposed revision to rail carrier noise emission regulation. 1979
Draft supplement to the environmental impact report for the redevelopment of Carnation Terminal Area / 1990
Economic analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the transportation equipment cleaning industry point source category. 1998
Economic impact analysis of the halogenated solvent cleaning NESHAP : draft. 1993
Emergency response to railroad incidents : course manual / 2009
Environment and the railroads : sub-council report / 1973
Environmental assessment of proposed effluent guidelines and standards for the transportation equipment cleaning category. / 1998
Environmental compliance handbook for short line railroads. 1998
Environmental compliance handbook for short line railroads. 1996
Environmental impact statement for the final interstate rail carrier noise emission regulation : source standards / 1980
Environmental Impact Statement: Henry W. Pirkey Power Plant Unit-I/South Hallsville Surface Lignite Mine Project, Harrison County, Texas. 1982
Environmental methods for transport noise reduction / 2015
Environmental pollution : discharge of raw human wastes from railroad trains / 1970
Environmental pollution : discharge of raw human wastes from railroad trains : Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-first Congress, second session, July 28, 1970. 1970
Environmental screening checklist and workbook for short line railroads. 2000
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project : profile of the ground transportation industry, trucking, railroad and pipeline. 1997
EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Differences: Ogden Railroad Yard. EPA ID: UTD000716407, Operable Unit 04, Ogden, Utah, February 21, 2006. 2006
Estech General Chemicals Corporation, Duette Mine, Manatee County, Florida. Transportation Research Document. 1979
Executive summary for Seattle Monorail Project Green Line draft environmental impact statement. 2003
Final emissions standards for locomotives / 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement: Dolet Hills Power Plant Project, Northwestern Louisiana. 1982
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