Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 168
Showing: Items 151 - 168
Your Search: (SUBJECT=radioactive materials)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Superfund record of decision : Savannah River Site (USDOE) OU 16 Old F Area Seepage Basin (904-49G) Aiken, SC. 1997
Superfund record of decision : Savannah River Site (USDOE) OU 17 L-Area Oil and Chemical Basin (904-83G) and L-Area Acid Caustic Basin (904-79G) Aiken, SC. 1997
Superfund record of decision : US DOE Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (Operable Unit 4), ID. 1992
Survey of Medical Waste Incinerators and Emissions Control. 1992
Survey of Protocols for Conducting Indoor Air Quality Investigations in Large Buildings. 1992
Technical Report on Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials from Uranium Mining. Volume 2. Investigation of Potential Health, Geographic, and Environmental Issues of Abandoned Uranium Mines. 2007
Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials from uranium mining. 2007
The consequences and frequency of selected man-originated accident events : final report, August 1974 / 1980
The Ecological impact of land restoration and cleanup. 1978
Total Human Exposure and Indoor Air Quality: An Automated Bibliography (BLIS) with Summary Abstracts. Volume 2. 1990
Trace Metals and Stationary Conventional Combustion Processes: Volume 1. Technical Report. 1980
Trace Metals and Stationary Conventional Combustion Processes: Volume 2. Bibliography. 1980
Transportation Accident Risks in the Nuclear Power Industry 1975-2020. 1974
Treatment Technology Background Document. 1991
Uranium Location Database Compilation. 1996
Uranium Removal from Drinking Water Using a Small Full-Scale System. 1989
Use of Radioactive Materials in Gas Chromatography. 1970
Wind Transport of Scalars and Pollutants. 1987
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