Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2070
Showing: Items 651 - 700
Your Search: (SUBJECT=potable water)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Drinking water criteria document on chromium / 1990
Drinking water criteria document on heterotrophic bacteria draft 5. 1984
Drinking Water Criteria Document on Nitrate/Nitrite (Final Draft). 1985
Drinking Water Criteria Document on Radium (Final Draft). 1991
Drinking water criteria document on trichloroethylene / 1985
Drinking Water Exposure Assessment for Atrazine and Various Chloro-triazine and Hydroxy-triazine Degradates. 2001
Drinking Water from Agriculturally Contaminated Groundwater. 1991
Drinking water from household wells. 1990
Drinking water glossary : a dictionary of technical and legal terms related to drinking water. 1994
Drinking water handbook for public officials 1992
Drinking water health advisories for 15 volatile organic compounds. 1990
Drinking water health advisory for 1,1,2,2-trichloroethane. 2008
Drinking Water Health Advisory for Aldrin. 1991
Drinking water health advisory for ammonia / 1991
Drinking water health advisory for antimony / 1991
Drinking water health advisory for boron / 1991
Drinking water health advisory for boron. 2008
Drinking water health advisory for chlorpyrifos / 1991
Drinking water health advisory for isophorone / 1991
Drinking water health advisory for malathion / 1991
Drinking water health advisory for nickel. 1995
Drinking water health advisory for P-Nitrophenol / 1991
Drinking water health advisory for phenol / 1991
Drinking water health advisory for silver 1991
Drinking water health advisory for thallium / 1991
Drinking water infrastructure grants : tribal set-aside program : final guidelines. 1998
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : American Indian and Alaska native water systems. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : first report to Congress. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : Modeling the cost of infrastructure. 1997
Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assesment, 2003: Modeling the Cost of Infrastructure. 2006
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey and assessment : fourth report to Congress. 2009
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey and assessment : third report to Congress. 2005
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey. 1997
Drinking Water Microbiology - New Directions Toward Water Quality Enhancement. 1987
Drinking water microbiology / 1984
Drinking Water Microbiology Research in the United States: An Overview of the Past Decade. 1988
Drinking water pilot study : summary / 1983
Drinking water progress review workshop for the 1995-1998 science to achieve results (STAR) grants : December 8-9, 1998, Arlington, Virginia / 1998
Drinking water publications list : an annotated bibliography of EPA and non-EPA technical, managerial, educational and general information materials. 1993
Drinking Water Quality of Selected Interstate Carrier Water Supplies, 1960-1961. 1963
Drinking Water Quality of Selected Interstate Carrier Water Supplies, 1962 - 1963. 1965
Drinking Water Quantification of Toxicologic Effects for Nickel. 1991
Drinking Water Quantification of Toxicologic Effects for Nickel. 1990
Drinking water regulations and health advisories / 1996
Drinking Water Research Division's Research Activities in Support of EPA's Regulatory Agenda. 1991
Drinking Water Research Program Multi-Year Plan, 2003. 2003
Drinking Water Sodium and Blood Pressure in Children: A Second Look. 1981
Drinking water standard setting question and answer primer. 1994
Drinking water state revolving fund program guidelines : Final guidelines / 1997
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