Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2070
Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=potable water)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Control of Organic Drinking Water Quality by Precipitative Processes. 1987
Controlling Arsenic, Fluoride, and Uranium by Point-of-Use Treatment. 1987
Controlling disinfection by-products and microbial contaminants in drinking water 2001
Controlling Disinfection By-Products with Alternative Disinfectants. 1994
Controlling lead in drinking water for schools and day care facilities : a summary of state programs. 2004
Controlling Organics with GAC: A Cost and Performance Analysis. 1989
Cooperation in Urban Water Management, Conference Proceedings. 1983
Correlation of Coliform Growth Response with Other Water Quality Parameters. 1991
Correlations for the determination of surface diffusivities of organic chemicals adsorbed onto granular activated carbon / 1986
Corrosion Control Principles and Strategies for Reducing Lead and Copper in Drinking Water Systems. 1993
Corrosion in Potable Water Systems. 1982
Corrosion manual for internal corrosion of water distribution systems / 1984
Cost and Performance Evaluation of In-Plant Trihalomethane Control Techniques. 1985
Cost and Performance Modeling for Regulatory Decision Making. 1987
Cost and Performance of GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) for Trihalomethane Control. 1987
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for asbestos. 1987
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for barium. 1987
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for cadmium. 1987
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for chromium. 1987
Cost Evaluation of Controlling Selected Organic Compounds in Drinking Water by Packed Tower Aeration and GAC (Granular Activated Carbon). 1989
Cost modeling for drinking water unit treatment processes. / 1990
Cost of Clean Water and Its Economic Impact. Volume I. The Report. 1969
Cost of Clean Water. Economic Impact on Affected Units of Government. 1967
Cost of Clean Water. Volume I. Municipal Investment Needs. 1971
Cost supplement to technologies and costs for the removal of mercury from potable water supplies. : First Draft, January 1987. 1987
Cost supplement to technologies and costs for the removal of nitrates and nitrites from potable water supplies. : First Draft, February 1987. 1987
Cost supplement to technologies and costs for the removal of selenium from potable water supplies. : First Draft, February 1987. 1987
Cost supplement to the removal of cadmium from potable water supplies. : First Draft, February 1987. 1987
Costs of Arsenic Removal Technologies for Small Water Systems: U.S. EPA Arsenic Removal Technology Demonstration Program. 2011
Costs of radium removal from potable water supplies / 1977
Costs of Wastewater Renovation. 1971
Coumaphos facts / 2000
Criteria for evaluation of proposed protozoan detection methods {microform} / 1982
Critical Elements for Certification. 1983
Critical Evaluation of Treatment Technologies with Particular Reference to Pump-and-Treat Systems. 1992
Cross-connection control manual / 2004
Cross-connection control manual {electronic resource}. 2003
Cross-connection control manual. 1973
Cross-connection control manual. 2003
Cryptosporidium and the Milwaukee Incident. 1994
Current Corrosion By-Products and Corrosion Control Research. 1990
Current state of corrosion control: technologies and costs. 1991
Current Status of Denver's Potable Water Reuse Project. 1985
Damages and threats caused by hazardous material sites. 1980
Data analysis of drinking water asbestos fiber size / 1979
Data base for standards/regulations development for land disposal of flue gas cleaning sludges / 1977
Data Deficiencies, Problem Areas, and Recommendations for Additional Database Development for p-Chlorophenyl Methyl Sulfide, -Sulfoxide, and -Sulfone (PCPMS, PCPMSO, and PCPMSO2). 1992
Data Deficiencies, Problem Areas, and Recommendations for Additional Database Development for Tetranitromethane (TNM). 1992
Database Management Techniques to Ensure Project Integrity. Annual SAS Users Group International Conference (14th). Held in San Francisco, California on April 9-12, 1989. 1989
Decision Support System for Drinking Water Research Using Microcomputers and Mainframes. 1987
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