Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=physical chemistry)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Study of natural and long-term (103-104yr) elemental migration in saturated clays and sediments : part III / 1985
Annual review of physical chemistry. 1950
Azeotropic data / 1952
Chemical and Morphological Comparison of Erionite from Oregon, North Dakota, and Turkey. 2010
Chemical equilibrium and reaction models / 1995
Colloid formation and growth : a chemical kinetics approach / 1976
Comprehensive inorganic chemistry / 1953
Dredge Disposal Study San Francisco Bay and Estuary. Appendix F. Crystalline Matrix Study. 1975
Geigy scientific tables. 1981
Handbook of physics / 1967
Hazardous materials chemistry for emergency responders / 2003
Ionization potentials : some variations, implications, and applications / 1983
Isodecanol / 1996
Kinetics and mechanism : a study of homogeneous chemical reactions / 1961
Kinetics of soil chemical processes / 1989
Materials Research at Stanford University. 1975
Methods of soil analysis. Part 3, Chemical methods / 1996
Methods of soil analysis. Part 4, Physical methods / 2002
Oxygen Balance in a Southerm Great Plains Stream in Southeastern Oklahoma. 1965
Physical chemistry : a molecular approach / 1997
Physical methods of organic chemistry. 1959
Physical techniques in biological research / 1955
Rates of soil chemical processes / 1991
Reaction kinetics / 1995
Reactions and movement of organic chemicals in soils / 1989
Regeneration chemistry of sodium-based double alkali scrubbing process / 1973
Simulation of Physical-Chemical Processes in the Upper Atmosphere. Part 6 - Reactions of Metastable Oxygen (1 delta G) and Oxygen (1 sigma Plus G) Molecules. 1970
Soil physical chemistry / 1999
Soil physical chemistry / 1986
The formation and decay of excited species / 1969
The physical basis of chemistry / 2000

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